Dateien entgültig löschen?
Hey kann man Dateien durch ein Programm oder ähnliches wieder zurückholen in meinem Fall habe ich einen cheat deinstalliert und jetzt möchte einer einen beweis haben über Anydesk und ein Programm herunterladen zum prüfen kann mir jemand helfen die datei ggf entgültig zu entfernem
Don’t let that happen!
There is no program that can check if you have deleted something. (For example, you could have stored a copy of the deleted file on an external disk that is not connected at the time of the check.)
If you give someone uncontrolled access to your computer, he can do something else.
here is a small batch that finally physically destroys any trace of it to delete files.
Are you seriously trying to sell the FS a “batch that removes any physical traces” that does nothing more than empty the recycle bin?
Uff… xD
something more happens, esteemed colleague…
is of advantage if you know a few command line commands:
The emptying of the recycle bin was actually the most important thing in this batch!
After emptying the recycle bin, the storage areas previously occupied by the virtually deleted files are also marked as “free” and are overwritten with 3 different patterns.
I personally advise you to take it from remote controlling by strangers. Whether AnyDesk or Teamviewer. And I’ve been working for over 20 years. It could also be scammers behind it that knock you out of grace (for money). And you can check it very badly or prove whether this supposedly nice employee is serious or not. After that, without your will, he installs an illegal malware with alleged payment request and your PC is totally over or encrypted. What now? Calling the police for computer fraud would be stupid. Because then you acted grossly negligent. To get back a file you need (if you can afford it) a back up server / NAS server. Or a cloud. She doesn’t have anything at home.
You better not do that! As soon as anyone gets access to your computer, he’s gonna knock you off without mercy! Don’t let anyone on your computer!