Dateien auf einer SSD auf eine andere Kopieren?
Kann ich einfach alle folders CTRL Copy machen und anschliessend auf die neue SSD kopieren? (Das Betriebssystem ist da auch drauf ….) anschliessend im uefi bootup Medium ändern und die alte Festplatte wipen, geht das?
No with a running operating system only goes clonen.
If the SSD is one of Crucial you can download the Arcronis program from the Crucial site for free. This allows you to clone the plate on the SSD and then use it further as a system. Different sizes of the plates are also allowed. You can adjust the partitions before cloning.
Use this opportunity to refresh and install the operating system cleanly on the new SSD.
And a reasonable BACKUP and IMAGE strategy after reinstalling would be useful if WINDOWS were to be buzzed and no longer saved.
with copy paste do not copy the partitioning and the boot partition. you have to clone the plate. Guide google..
Not if you are currently working in the system, you need another PC or a second OS on nem USB stick for.
Then connect both “plates” and finished.
With operating system not no. You need a clone software. But there are many YouTube videos about it;)
No. Then you would have to clone them by program
This may work for files, but the operating system does not do that.
How could I clean up the old SSD that is ONLY the Windows on it and otherwise garnix? or should I get a free klon software?
By (as I also handle it). Simply reinstall the operating system:
It’s easier than you think and doesn’t take 30min. It only needs an empty 8gb USB stick.
Then download, install and complete drivers.
You should make an image of the record and copy it to another. Simply copying the data would not function, the plate would not boot.