Date trotz Schleimbeutelentzündung?
Hallo Leute,
ich war ja heute beim Arzt und hab ne Schleimbeutelentzündung am rechten Arm…
Ich hab jetzt nicht mehr solche Schmerze weil ich Medikamente nahm.
Ich hätte heute Abend eigentlich ein Date. Sollte ich es absagen?
Wir wollten spazieren gehen bei nem Fluss entlang. Aber ich muss ja auch mit dem Auto dorthin fahren und weiß nicht ob ich in dem Zustand autofahren sollte.
Car ride you have to estimate yourself…
Date’s not a problem. Build up the thing! When walking, the arm is relieved. Should you become something, the time when you want to carry the updated (or the) over the threshold is still so long that the mucosa is cured and the training residue is recovered.
Thank you for the star!
With this you can easily drive a car, but at the six in the rider’s position it may be a bit painful when it is supported.
I don’t have sex. But whether I can drive a car is doubtful. I can’t even write so switching hurts when driving a car.
You get painkillers.
You understand 😉
Of course
No, six is a number for me. You mean sex?
Oh, now it’s just an arm, interesting.
And no, with your invented painkillers (Bacimed does not exist!) you should not drive.
But both of them are disturbing me a lot more because I am a right-winger.
I mean, Parkemed, then I’ve upgraded.
I’ll take Parkemed.
Well, not so much bullshit, instead change the stable and then date break, even if everyone knows this isn’t your strength.