Dashcam was ist erlaubt?

Ich habe vor kurzem ein Video gesehen wo es um Dashcam Vorfälle ging (bzw. um das was aufgenommen wurde.)
Laut dem Art. 6 DSGVO, § 4 BDSG ist ein anlassloses permanentes Filmen und Speichern des öffentlichen Straßenverkehrs hingegen verboten.
Also das Speichern des öffentlichen Straßenverkehres kann ich noch verstehen, aber ab wann gilt das Filmen als anlassloses, permantes Filmen? Also mir persönlich würde nur einfallen wenn das Auto geparkt ist bzw. nicht fährt, aber ansonsten?
Würde mich mal interessieren wie das geregelt wird, eventuell kennt sich Jemand damit aus.

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2 years ago

As long as the dashcam has a function that it does not permanently make a record on one piece, but so-called loops, nothing is to be objected to use. Even if you are continuously filming, e.g. with a mobile phone (but only as a passenger), there is nothing to say about it as long as you do not publicly present the recordings.

I myself used a Dashcam recording with the police about 3 weeks ago for the purpose of displaying the crimes of the dangerous intervention in road traffic and the killing. The road user has endangered the lives of other road users by driving tightly, unmediated lane changes, wild tuning and then by repeatedly attempted right overtake. His right of personality is not over the body and life of other road users (§ 34 StGB, justifiable emergency).

As a matter of fact:
I was on the highway in an overhaul process at a speed of 100 zone (Lärmschutz) with 110 km/h. In the back Dashcam there was no longer the number plate of the KFZ, so close he went up. He gave a permanent light horn, shoved back and forth with the car and foxed with the poor. In doing so, he would have pushed almost one of my overhauled road users. He had moved his journey halfway on the side strip. In the following I took over a saddle train, the nice gentleman continued to stick to my bumper and occupied me with a flashlight thunder from the headlights. I changed to the right track after the truck to get rid of it. At once, he had no more hurry, he also changed hair sharply before me on the right track and missed me a Brakecheck. I pointed to my dashcam, he gave gas and was very fast away.

I don’t know what such people are moving. Can time pressure justify bringing others into life danger? I don’t think so. I hope that this person will be deprived of the driving licence for some time, and a juicy fine will be imposed on him.

Without my Dashcam, he wouldn’t be afraid.

But note: this applies only to de facto offences, and not to offences. Otherwise it could actually follow an investigation procedure for comrades against § 201a StGB.

2 years ago

For this reason, dashcams also have a timer function that the old recording is deleted after each trip.