Dashcam für das Auto?
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Dashcam für mein Auto, habe aber nicht viel Geld, um mir eine teure zu kaufen.
Der Grund ist einfach, dass ich mich mit einer Kameraaufzeichnung für zukünftige Probleme absichern möchte, da ich vor ein paar Monaten einen Totalschaden durch den Fehler eines anderen hatte, der seine Schuld aber nicht wahrnehmen wollte – am Ende haben mich die Aussagen der Zeugen gerettet.
Habt ihr Empfehlungen für eine Dashcam, die nicht zu teuer ist?
Evtl. still save a bit and later buy a better cam. As an inexpensive transition solution, maybe a mobile phone holder with Dashcam app possible?
The YT Channel DDG (Dashcam Drivers Germany) occasionally tests Dashcams. For example here 4k versions. Evtl. is something that matches your budget.
What is the pain limit?
The Dashcam app as a transition solution is already interesting, I didn’t even think there was such a thing haha
I have an acquaintance who has a dashcam for approx. 160/170€ – I would prefer if it were cheaper, best below 70/80€.
But if quality is not different, I can also save.
I will definitely watch the YouTube video, thank you!
Unfortunately, I do not know myself in this price segment. But look at this cam: 70mai M300. She got at least a few good reviews. Especially the good video quality was mentioned several times. There is also a review here.
With less than 60 euros, the 70mai CAM would fit into your budget. Certainly not a top product. But definitely usable.
Thank you very much, I’ll see.
I just raise my budget – then I have to save.
I have another recommendation: Look at kleinanzeigen.de after a dashcam and if you found something, compare with the new product. And, of course, look at the reviews and reviews.
You get new or even unused products in part for half the new price via classifieds.
This is also a good consideration. Are there generally brands that should be avoided/not recommended?
I can’t tell you. I’ve been thinking about buying a dashcam again and again, but so far I’ve only dealt with the topic superficially.
Very good idea. Have experienced how important this can be. I recommend reading test reports. Dashcam Channels on YT test the more often and offer discount codes. What’s “not too expensive” you didn’t betray.
Yeah, that was probably not so smart haha
A friend of mine has a dashcam, but he paid about 170€ for it as far as I know. I’d rather find something cheaper…
Mine cost 1,000. Now consider if 170, really are too much. In the case described by you, they would be well created. I’m not sure if 170 are not too cheap. Look at the videos. Can you see everything well? People? License plate? Even in darkness and rain?
At daylight every 100 – € – phone makes usable recordings.
good recordings.
Oh, I didn’t know the prices so well… If you don’t mind, I have to save the money.
On the videos I’ve seen, everything was really good to see, but I’d have to see what it looks like in rain – I haven’t seen any recordings yet.