Das war wohl nach dem Gespräch eine Absage,oder?
Hatte am Dienstag den 09 ein Vorstellungsepräch, die Frau wollte sich diese Woche Mo+ dienstag melden, bis jetzt keine Reaktion. Habe vorhin mal ihr eine nette Mail geschrieben und nachgefragt, immer noch nichts. Das wars wohl ,oder?
Maybe it’s sick, maybe colleagues are sick where they had to represent and not to take care of your application, maybe the works council hasn’t managed to look at the process and without permission they can’t give you a final approval, maybe you’re just Top 2 and they wait for the answer from the favorite before they cancel you…
There are many reasons.
Maybe it’s short-term, maybe for other reasons in stress. It can happen that such an appointment shifts. It’s not necessarily carved in stone.
Maybe or not. The promise not to adhere always indicates a negative sign
Often it takes longer than you thought… wait till tomorrow.
They also have more to do than to deal exclusively with applicants.
As seen, the “nette Mail” was not a bad idea from you!
Maybe she’s sick or there were shifts in appointments with other applicants.
Demands were completely ok after more than a week.