Das Paradoxon von Buzz Lightyear: Eine Analyse seines Selbstbildes in ‘Toy Story’ und seiner Interaktionen mit Andy?

Ist euch aufgefallen, dass Buzz Lightyear im ersten Teil von ‘Toy Story’ behauptet, kein Spielzeug zu sein, aber dennoch in eine Starre verfällt, wenn Andy auftaucht? Warum besteht er darauf, ein echter Astronaut zu sein, obwohl er sich wie ein Spielzeug verhält? Am Ende des Films akzeptiert er schließlich, dass er doch ein Spielzeug ist. Warum erkennt er das nicht gleich zu Beginn, als er sieht, dass er nur zum Spielen verwendet wird? Warum hat er Andy nie gesagt, dass er ein Astronaut ist?”

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1 month ago

Interesting questions. But the answers will probably always remain hidden in the toy box.

Maybe it was a kind of mental self-protection. Even people sometimes build air locks and are very good at pushing things nice and obvious facts to not run the risk of destroying the illusion of their own world image. I know some people who think they are more than they are.
Maybe Buzz was just ignorance and naivety. Other
he would have noticed that you had a “space ship”
Carton and adhesive tape cannot travel to infinity (and already
not much further).

Apart from that, I don’t think that only Buzz had to fight with an identity crisis as the only toy. I can well imagine that Woody, for example, also held himself at the beginning of his existence as a real cowboy. For children like Andy, the characters are real when playing. Then why should the toys doubt this reality?

Why also toys that don’t think they’re toys, staring near people? I don’t know. Maybe an unconditional reflex? I’ve never talked to the toy about it. Or at least I’ve never answered…