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I hope it is Fake 😭 it is likely it is Fake for a Meme
I could rather imagine it in parts of India. There Hitler is very populair among many people. I even met people who drank Hitler’s children.
Can be quite right. It wouldn’t make me wonder at all.
A few years ago, a bar was decorated with 2 large flags in my Hawaiian electoral hometown. The one showed Che Guevara and the other was the red crossflag with black hook cross in the white circle.
Yes you can see in Thailand some shops with more or less dubious names. I’ve already stumbled on scurry things.
Whether this is definitely Thailand, I can’t say, but it’s well conceivable, because, especially in the far east, Nazi symbols (such as the hook cross) are completely everyday. In many, especially Far Eastern cultures, there is this sign, which is often also called a sun wheel. It is not ‘vereufelt’ or prohibited there.
I think it’s real. in Asia, of course, it’s less taboo. In India there was a clothing business with the literal name Hitler
Is a picture from Thailand or was from Thailand. No Photoshop Fake. Probably protested the name of the restaurant (fast food chain) and was changed.
Many Thais don’t know each other so well with German history. Just like most Germans don’t know about the history of Thailand.
H-Gruß etc. are not prohibited in Thailand as in D-Land.
it’s real. This is possible in Thailand because they never had anything to do with Mr. Hitler.
Ne’ve already seen hook-climbing flags on the local markets open for sale
I’d say it’s Fake, otherwise it would be criminal and would have been discovered long ago. Either Hitler is the owner or it is a joke
But theoretically, this would be possible in Thailand. It’s unpredictable.
It’s punishable all over the world! I think that’s what I mean.
Not all over the world.
How do you think it would be punishable in Thailand or even around the world? Not even here in Europe it is punishable in every country.
Isn’t a fake, the name of the restaurant (fast food chain ? ) made headlines in D-land years ago and woke up.
The fast food chain (KFC) was the victim here and not the Taeter. The KFC optics was apparently misplaced by another Huehnerbrutzler.
Why would that be punishable in Thailand??
How little you know about the world.