Das ist doch Krebs pur oder nicht?
Es gibt Leute die komplett verbranntes Fleisch essen und innen roh. Die Amis feiern sich ein total ein ab wenn sie sowas essen. Ist das nicht Gesundheitsschädigend?
Ich hab kein gut vergleichbares Bild gefunden in Fernsehen sah das noch schlimmer aus.
It is eaten only the unburnt:
On TV, he cut a whole piece and ate XD
Then he did not understand the meaning of this type of preparation.
Wow, now I see it with other eyes, thank you.
Would it then of course also eat?
. . . . or not!
This is not part of my menu,
but I don’t think about cancer at all.
With the crap we humans hammer each day, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
If you live a healthy life and pull yourself into it all the time, then the body should be able to put it loosely.
Yeah, it is.
Did you know that’s almost all that carcinogenic?
It doesn’t look particularly appetizing.
Cigarettes are also harmful but not every smoker dies from the consequences of smoking.
Why is everyone coming with the cigarette sample? Just want to know if it’s unhealthy and not a morality that you don’t have to die.
And great it doesn’t all die on cigarettes but CAN die with good probability.
The incineration products can be quite cancerous. It is therefore not very clever to provoke this even consciously.
Yeah, it is.
Heterocyclic aromatic amines are formed at the black-burned sites, carcinogenic are.
Cigarettes are also extremely harmful and not every smoker dies of lung cancer.
Right! Many smokers die from other cancers caused by smoking or cardiovascular diseases, which are the result of smoking.
There’s something like a smoker’s bone.
In your question, only cancer was thematized .
There is also heart attack due to obesity and diabetes due to lack of movement….this was not the topic .
This is simply a medium rare steak. Looks like it’s with a cup of coffee
So the crust is only created by the flesh.
Guess so. But pretty!
This is for me simply coal with raw filling… bah.. 🤣
It looks really hard, like a piece of coal