Das Gesicht Glück von Joseph?
Hallo, ich stehe gerade zwischen zwei Noten und mein Lehrer hat mir eine Aufgabe gegeben die über meine Note entscheidet, leider bin ich in Deutsch sehr schlecht. Das Gesicht heißt Glück und wurde von Joseph von Eichendorff geschrieben.Die Aufgabe ist es: Nenne und erkläre die Formulierung in den Strophen 3 und 4, die die Stimmung des lyrischen Ichs verdeutlichen.
The poem “Glück” by Joseph von Eichendorff belongs to his most famous and most appreciated works and describes the tendencies of the lyrical ego for happiness and freedom.
Strophe 3:
“As in the water the sun is reflected,
so it reflects happiness in the heart,
but that flees like the sun,
if you want to believe it to hurt”
In this verse, the lyrical me describes that happiness is like the sun that is reflected in the water. However, an attempt to seize it would destroy it and escape. The comparison of happiness with a fleeting appearance in the water shows the inaccessibility and unpredictability of happiness and the illusion that it is tangible.
Strophe 4:
“It comes and goes like a shadow,
and no one knows where it comes from,
and where it remains when it disappears,
but everyone sees it”
In this verse, happiness is described as shadow, which comes and goes and whose origin and fate is unknown. But the lyrical I notice that everyone sees it in life at some point. This choice of words and the comparison of happiness with a shadow that comes and goes, illustrate the volatile and unstable nature of happiness and that it is a little unpredictable.
Hello, thank you so much for giving you so much effort! But that’s the wrong poem, with me it’s 3 stops:
And the 4 stanza:
In these verses various formulations are used to illustrate the mood of the lyrical ego:
“The room is too narrow” : The lyrical I feel trapped and locked in its current environment
“The valleys full of shimmer” : Nature and the environment are described as beautiful and attractive, the lyrical I feel joy and admiration.
“Forget about the heath!” : The lyrical I long for freedom and adventure, it wants to flee and embark on the journey.
“Ah, I would have a lap!” : The lyrical I feel longing and dissatisfaction, it feels limited by its current situation and desires a horse as a symbol of independence and mobility.
Overall, the lyrical I seems to be dissatisfied with its current situation and longs for freedom and adventure. It is inspired by the beauty of nature and feels enclosed and locked up by its circumstances.