Das erste mal in Los Angeles was braucht man?

Hey, ich und mein Mann planen ca 7 Tage nach LA zu reisen. Hat jemand von euch bereits Erfahrungen mit LA oder allgemein USA? was braucht man für die Grenzkontrolle und was ist wichtig zu wissen, und wieviel Geld habt ihr für Flug und Hotel ausgegeben? Wo habt ihr eure Reise gebucht?

Danke im Vorraus 🙂

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2 months ago

L.A. is almost as large as Hesse and has no center, only districts. The distances are very large, driving stressful, subway some routes dangerous for tourists. We used to stay at the Hilton at the airport for several days. It was okay. We drove from there to the Pacific and other points of view with the help of buses from the hotel. You need ESTA for entry.

2 months ago

What I remembered from LA: if you’re on the 6-lane highways, you’ll have to arrange yourself very early if you want to leave.