Das erste Mal 🍃🌿 in Amsterdam?

Hallo zusammen, ich bin bald in Amsterdam und will zum ersten Mal bisschen 🍃 probieren. Ich bin dort mit meiner Freundin jedoch beide komplett unerfahren in dem Gebiet. Wäre es zum ersten Mal probieren schlauer etwas zu rauchen oder sich einfach Brownies zB zu holen und wenn ja welche? Da die Klamotten danach ja ziemlich stark riechen und ich ungern meine Familie damit antreffen würde hatte ich überlegt was in der Richtung zu essen, jedoch soll da die Wirkung ja viel länger andauern und teilweise auch stärker sein

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6 months ago

Cannabis is already effective in quantities of 0.25 to 0.3 g when it is eaten in baked goods. However, brownies rarely exist in coffee shops. In other shops, the sale of cannabis-containing goods is prohibited.
You can also buy brownies in normal stores These brownies contain either only henfaroma or useful hemp (CBD), but they do not work.

Newcomers/beginners should not take more than one, two trains during the first smoke test and should at best dispense with tobacco as extenders. The best thing is to buy a ‘prerolled joint’ in the coffee shop, attract after ignition, twice and press it out to smoke further if after at least 20 minutes waiting time after consumption no sufficient high occurred.

6 months ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

No food as mentioned. In the liver it is converted to Hydroxie-11 thc. Instead of 10-15 minutes it takes 90 minutes that it acts, so you can extremely easily overdose and H11 thc acts significantly more potent than Delta-9 when smoking. Which leads to severe highs (or couchlocks) and is hard unpleasant for a beginner. Smoked or evaporated you can start with a small train and later settle

6 months ago

See if you can organize a vapo in the coffee shop unless you smoke cigarettes anyway.

Otherwise you won’t eat anything if you don’t experience it. Oral consumption is more violent and above all longer.

6 months ago
Reply to  MichaelKshv

Such a device:


It doesn’t burn, it’s heated. So it is possible to remove the ingredients without smoking. Best method to consume low risk cannabis.

6 months ago

In any case smoke! Brownies are much more violent, heavier to assess and look much longer. If it gets too crassed and too strong you won’t get off forever. I’ve been crying for 35 years, I don’t even have a bock on Brownies, I’m just gonna get too much.

When smoking, you can only take a few trains until you notice a bit and get used to it slowly. And if okay, keep smoking. Brownies will give you the total full-bowl, that can go back.

6 months ago

Take change clothes in backpack with ðŸ ̃‚

If you eat brownies or something, they can have a much longer effect than smoking two joints.

But as has already written, they will probably notice it like that or something

6 months ago

Yeah, eating takes a lot longer.

Once you’re grounded, your parents remember it anyway.

You’re hacked.

6 months ago

The coffeeshop weed is qualitatively rather bad. In Germany the homegrown is better for worlds. Mine, on the other hand, is an absolute top help. And that’s just hobby crowd

6 months ago
Reply to  Crush4r


6 months ago

I recommend smoking because this lasts less long and is better doseable. I also recommend a quiet place.