Das darf er doch nicht, oder?


Ich w14 hatte vor einen Monat ziemlich Mist gebaut. Ich habe einen schriftlichen Verweis von der Schule bekommen, weil ich etwas dummes gemacht habe (möchte nicht sagen was).

Daraufhin hatten meine Eltern mir für eine Zeitlang etwas, was ich ziemlich oft benutze und ohne fast gar nicht klarkomme, eingezogen und in einem Raum eingeschlossen (möchte auch nicht sagen was).

Ich bin dann ausgetickt und hatte mit einer Axt eine dieser Türbänder oder wie man das nennt, kaputt gemacht und versucht in den verschlossenen Raum reinzukommen. Von dem Türrahmen hatte ich auch etwas weggemacht.

Mein Vater war natürlich sauer und meinte dass, ich die Tür natürlich von meinem Geld bezahlen muss.

Ich hatte nur 85€, er meinte sowas kostet über 100€. Er hat mir dann meine Karte weggenommen. Mittlerweile habe ich schonlängst das ganze Geld (185€) aber er gibt mir immernoch nicht meine Karte. Die Tür hat er auch selbst repariert und die geht wieder ganz normal auf und zu fast wie neu.

Nur ist es so dass, ich Zeitungen austrage aber die letzten 3 Male nicht gemacht habe. Meine Eltern haben es herausgefunden. Ich hatte aber meinen Arbeitsgeber vor so 3 oder 4 Wochen per Email geschrieben dass, mein Wagen kaputt gegangen ist und ob ich einen bekomme. Meine Eltern meinen ich solle das Geld nicht nehmen, weil ich’s nicht ausgetragen hatte und das ich eine Strafe bekommen würde.

Ich habe doch jetzt das Geld und er gibt mir meine Karte trotzdem immernoch nicht, obwohl er die mir seit genau 1 Monat eingezogen hat…..

Was soll ich machen?

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1 year ago

Each action triggered a reaction. Just follow the consequences.

Of course, your father may ask you to replace him with the damage, and he seems to have the feeling that he has to make you think of something.

For you have done a lot of things and you seem to walk over the borders of house orders or laws.

Therefore, a little bit of your temperament and adapt to the provisions of the communities, of which you also benefit.

This is where you tell what your father did, but hide everything that’s unpleasant to you. You’re not going into that.

However, one could only make a realistic picture of whether your father’s action was overcrowded when he took away something that is important to you.

For he has an educational mission, and he perceived it with this punishment, and it must also hurt something so that you learn to be more appropriate.

Therefore learn this and he will trust you again. But first you have to prove this to him by your more reasonable way.

In the end, you do this for yourself, so that you do not forget your own life, but come through well.

1 year ago

That’s the right point of approach and I love you if you’re in self-criticism. And in the future such escalations will omit.

Then the bullshit was worth it. Because we all make mistakes. It’s good to learn something from them.

In the sense, I wish you a good success.

1 year ago

There’s something going wrong with you right now. But I’m sure you’ll get it back.

But you have to be aware that this has run more than one thing.

I think you’re gonna be in school now. And I don’t think you’re damaging things at home. Excuse me for your aggression, you’ve already, very good.

But now there’s the issue with the papers…. what did you do with the newspapers? Take care? In any case, you have to return the money of the last 3 months. Who doesn’t work doesn’t get any money. That’s how the contracts work. It doesn’t matter your car or bike is broken, you have the task to distribute the newspapers, dispose of theft and the pay is deception. Be happy if you haven’t got an ad yet. And start fulfilling your contract.

Since the money in the account is not your money, you have not yet paid the debt to your parents, so your father can still keep the card.

And you should really think about how you can work up the crap in your life.

1 year ago

At best, first rebuild the trust relationship with your parents. There were some mistakes, even if you don’t want to describe them in detail. And at the moment you live with the consequences that these mistakes bring.

You may learn that you should not only scream according to your rights, but also have to comply with the duties – and this is sometimes accompanied by certain perseverance. And that’s exactly what you’ll have to live with.

1 year ago

You’ve had quite a lot of things falling into your extremes. A door with an axe is definitely not normal and not okay. Hopefully, I don’t have to tell you anymore, after you have responded quite well to other comments, you’ll probably think about it again, apologise and improve yourself. If you need help, you should definitely get them. The best way to work with your parents is that you’re not 18 years old and you’re probably going to live with them and have such a negative relationship with your parents, especially while you’re still living with them, the psyche is not good in the long term and probably makes everything worse.

Take away on the topic card… don’t know how you regulated this with your employer, but that sounds to me as if you got money for work you didn’t do. So you don’t have the money and you have to pay it back to your employer accordingly. If you don’t do that, you may have much worse consequences. Since the money you don’t owe you, you didn’t pay your father the debts. The fact that after such an action you have to pay the door or at least somehow work in the household or so is of course. Since you are not even 16 yet, and therefore logically even under 18, your parents are allowed! decide whether or not you own a bank card. Just as they can decide how to deal with your money and what you buy, etc. You are only limited to business. This will only be deviated in exceptional cases. So to come to your question: Yes, he can. And you should talk to you and your parents and build a better relationship by improving yourself in general.

1 year ago

Yes, he may.

What should I do?

Stop committing violence and fraud and then complaining about the consequences.

1 year ago

Well, if you were my kid, I would have reacted like that, I don’t know what you did and what he took away from you, but broke a door with an axe!?

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll have had your reasons. In any case, I can recommend you to be pretty good for the next few weeks and just do what they tell you.

1 year ago

I would have a solution (but don’t want to say what).

1 year ago

Maybe you should apologize for your comic behavior first.
That’s really a number too much you did.

Let him calm down and show that you really want to do it again and don’t happen again.

1 year ago

There’s nothing to do. You should be sent to an anti-agression therapy. You can also live without a card and phone.

1 year ago

If you’re just doing shit, you don’t have to wonder about consequences.

1 year ago

now handy and internet would be the next thing I would block you on indefinitely until you run round again.

1 year ago

Gives mobile phone with contract where you pay monthly and mobile phone where you have to buy credit cards. If you don’t get your money without your check card, you can buy nix. In that case no card, no cell phone. Do I need to paint another picture or have it now grieved, amadan?

1 year ago

You have a contract or you have to div. Buy balance? No money without a card.

1 year ago

you’re running a lot wrong. the job should quit your parents and return the money because you didn’t work and have violated your work contract.

your parents should continue to enforce quite powerful sequences against you and next step with you to have your troubles worked.

1 year ago

Get your aggressions under control and then turn off the artificial owl.

You’ve built huge crap and you’re expecting to continue to reward you? Forget it, you’re 14 and your parents are lucky to say that.

1 year ago

You’ve got to take a rain and finally apologize to your parents

1 year ago

But you should be better.