Das amerikanische Kontinent?

Ich verstehe nicht, warum amerikanisch kleingeschrieben wird. Es gibt nur einen amerikanischen Kontinent und ich rede genau über diesen expliziten Kontinent, warum darf ich amerikanisch nicht großschreiben?

Dasselbe mit das europäische Kontinent?

Aber die Spanische Treppe gibt es nur einmal, weshalb man diese auch groß schreibt, auch der Schiefe Turm, der Indische Ozean und die Große Mauer schließen sich zu dieser Regel an, was ist aber mit amerikanische Kontinent? Ist das eine Ausnahme?

Ich bitte um eine gute Erklärung.

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1 year ago

As you already write: the others only exist once. They are known under this name. If I ask someone, “Where is the Austrian stairs?”, you will usually be witty when I ask: “Where is the Spanish stairs?” (I ask the question orally, so the big/small spell doesn’t matter here), almost all “in Rome” will answer.

Just like “Thai Ocean” vs. Indian Ocean; “the small wall” vs. “the medium-sized wall” vs. “the big wall”.

They are known, fixed word combinations that name something unique.

“American continent”, “African continent”, “Eurasian continent” etc. are the names for the continents; and each Continent has such an adjective, so they are all “equal”, there is no one who is known or “famous” than all others.

1 year ago

There are many continents. The adjective “American” refers more precisely to what continent is meant. Adjectives are small. The Spanish staircase is not some stairway in Spain, but a very specific building in Italy (Rom) with an IGENNAMEN.

1 year ago

Because it is a property word (adjective)?

German language, heavy language…😄😄

1 year ago
Reply to  Weinberg


1 year ago

It is called the continent (and the incontinence). America is an own name. The American… anything is just a property; like red earth.