Darmspiegelung und Magenspiegelung?
Hey ich bin jetzt bisschen verwirrt ich hab bald ein Termin zum gaestrolgen und ich hab eine Überweisung zur Magen Darmspiegelung bekommen meine Frage ist muss ich ein Laktose Test machen vor der Darmspiegelung oder danach.also meine Beschwerden sind beim nüchtern Magen und verzichte schon seit 4 Monaten auf Milch und Laktose und Gluten und ich hab trotzdem schmerzen
A lactose test does not take place as standard before a gastric or intestinal leveling. Whether your situation is important, in case of doubt, you can clarify in advance which weeks before the reflection date takes place.
In gastric and intestinal reflection, you are sober anyway. (In the stomach, you only have the defoamer from which you drank a small cup just minutes before the stomach level, so that the doctor has free vision. In the intestine you still have last puddles of the abduction solution; However, these liquid residues are sucked off during the reflection.)
An intestinal reflection makes the gastroenterologist. In my knowledge, it doesn’t make a stomach reflection.
A lactose examination is independent of intestinal reflection.
If you’re confused, you should ask those questions you have to do with the doctors involved. Someone must have issued you the transfers and so on
Of course, a gastroenterologist makes stomach reflections. The gastrointestinal tract is his field.
Ah okay, thank you for correcting, I thought the gastroenterologist comes exclusively from below😁
It comes from both sides 😂
Therefore both are done to get the cause to the ground.
You need to discuss everything with the treated doctor directly.
You can also do both together on a day when that is agreed before. Samples can be taken from the stomach/intestine to see what it might be.
That’ll explain everything on site.
Both can be made by gastroenterology. The proctologist would possibly also be able to reflect the intestinal level.
Neon, you don’t have to test. For this reason, other causes must be sought. Let it come to you.