Darmkrebs angst?

Hallo Leute,

Erstmal kurz paar fakten ich habe eine familiäre Vorbelastung was Darmkrebs betrifft und meine letzte Untersuchung war ende august, wo mir sehr viele Polypen entfernt wurden. Nun ist mir die tage aufgefallen das ich beim stuhlgang Blut bemerkt habe ( Toilettenpapier ) … ich mache mir natürlich total viele sorgen weil ich habe keinerlei Verstopfungen oder, Durchfälle. Was denkt ihr könnte es sein? 😣

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5 months ago

… of course, I’m doing a lot of things because I have no constipation or diarrhea. What do you think it might be?😣

  • I am not a doctor
  • I can’t diagnose, and I can’t do it remotely

It could be the naked fear.

Maybe you should make a doctor’s appointment to calm yourself down. Now you’ve been to colonoscopy and have removed all the precursors of the possible “darm cancer”.

Actually, that should calm you (?)

You do of course Worries? Unfortunately, we all have the fact that every one of us has to die at some point, the one before the other later – even if it is hard to admit it to themselves…

Maybe you just wait to see if the blood didn’t press too much and there was a harder chair. In this case, I recommend eating more healthier, more healthier, and not going crazy…

All right.

5 months ago

I also have a familial preload on colon cancer. Even with me, smaller polyps were removed during the last intestinal reflection (about one and a half years ago).

When I had blood in the chair, it was always due to more harmless causes (hemorrhoids, anal fissure), which were each treated by the proctologist.

Until the next recommended intestinal reflection, the thing would be quite relaxed in your place. Cancer ulcers don’t grow so fast.

Oh, yeah, you can talk to him about your fears at your next doctor’s visit. If you have concrete complaints (regular pain, diarrhea, constipation), you can also make an appointment with the proctoologist.

5 months ago

You better talk to your doctor.