Darf nicht mehr zu meinem Kumpel weil ich seinem Bruder eine Hustentablette gegeben habe! Was tun?
Ich habe als ich bei ihm war eine Hustentablette genommen, da ich vor kurzen eine Erkältung hatte und sein 8 jähriger Bruder hat es gesehen und wollte auch eine. Ich habe ihm dann eine gegeben.
Ein paar Minuten später kamen seine Eltern und sich beschwert, dass ich den kleinen Bruder mit Chemie vollstopfe und ihn in Gefahr bringe. Ich habe ihnen gesagt, dass ein 8 jähriger bis zu 6 von diesen Tabletten am Tag nehmen darf (und ja ich wusste das als ich sie ihm gegeben habe und ich würde ihm max. 1-2 geben) und da man die in jeder Drogerie rezeptfrei bekommt sie gar nicht so gefährlich sein dürfen und außerdem besteht alles aus Chemikalien.
Ich habe dann auch versprochen ihm in Zukunft keine Hustentabletten mehr zu geben aber sie meinten dass ich für den kleinen Bruder eine Gefahr darstelle und mich deshalb nur noch draußen oder bei mir mit meinem Kumpel treffen darf.
Das ist natürlich nicht der Weltuntergang aber trotzdem schade:( Wie kann ich die überzeugen?
It’ll take a while.
You committed the absolute No Go.
From time to time, I watch the kids of acquaintances, no matter what it’s about, be it medicine, be it things they may be at home, but I’m insecure or if I have to sign something, it’s always acquainted with the mother.
Because she and only she decides what’s good for the kids.
And yet, the boy could allergicly react to one of the ingredients or at least develop a discontent.
It doesn’t just apply to children, but also adults, you don’t even give such a drug, nothing will happen. What if?
What would you have said? Didn’t you know? Or didn’t you want that to happen?
And other medicines?
I can understand the reaction, the problem is, they no longer have confidence in you.
The little one doesn’t know what’s good for him and what’s not, he trusts you to do the right thing you didn’t do.
Think someone’s doing this with your little brother or little sister, would that be okay for you?
You can now basically only work step by step to win again, more you can’t do right now.
you will not be able to do much about it. but wait a few days and then look again about the buddy or together with him for the conversation with the parents.
You have the supervision of the little one. i.e. they also determine what he gets and what not. that you have to accept! You do this, I think they will let you play together again.
if no, then you can be sure that was just an excuse. they don’t like you. then you have to get clear. still remain that you and your cucumber meet you eifnach behind the back of his parents. that is still covered by the right teenager on rebellion 🙂
Be convinced of all your deeds. Everything you do – also say and think – is right. Then you always have the right arguments for your actions, your statements and your thinking.
Are you behind your action? Can you say “I acted correctly”?
Do you know that drugs have side effects? Even if they are freely available, it is indeed chemistry. And as parents, of course, you get a bad impression of someone who distributes reckless medicine as if it were candies. It’s not sweets. Once you’re a parent, you know that and don’t want any children to give your children something to swallow. Right?
Your buddy trusts you. So the little brother trusts you too. Parents don’t trust you anymore. The justification
that an 8 year old may take up to 6 of these tablets a day
is no! Also you would not have 6 tablets of any(!) Take medicine if you’re not sick.
Everything’s chemistry.
I don’t want kids.
But I gave him only 1 and if he had asked for more, maybe give him a second, but in no way.
I know now that it’s not such a good idea, even if as far as we know no allergies he has allergic to the tablet, but I still find their reaction exaggerated. I also promised not to give him cough pills.
You show insight. But your actions were not in the sense of parents.
No – it’s not all made chemistry. Yes – everything has a chemical reaction in the body, also natural food. To say it’s all made of chemistry is childish.
However, the 8-year-old must also learn not to accept everything simply without criticism. But as I said, he had trusted you.
… should not enter …
Don’t go! There’s the difference. Bonbons are – in dimensions – something else.
Yes, but it’s chemistry, and that’s why it doesn’t make any sense that something is harmful. because it’s chemistry. That was their argument.
That chemicals used in medicine can be harmful. (And I understand now that you should not take the risk of “just” a cough tablet.)
You said in your FT:
and also everything consists of chemicals.
It’s all bullshit! This is indeed a childish statement!
And since you had this statement in your FT, you cannot claim that it is My statement.
Chemistry, as used in medicine, may be harmful. I think we agree. What you do for yourself and your organism is none of my concern. The brother is important to parents.
Yes, but you just said something about chemistry and not made chemistry.
No, it’s just right. Of course, this does not mean that you can take everything without problems, but it is a counter-argument to the assertion that something is harmful because it is chemistry.
Step 1: accept that in no case foreign children are allowed to give IRGENDWAS and no MEDICAMENTS. Even though these are generally acceptable for children. You have no idea whether the child has allergies and it is certainly not up to you to decide what a child should not take that is yours and what is not
Step 2: Excuse the Parents – REALLY
Step 2: Keep away from the child and accept that you do not want to see you there for good reasons.
You don’t even have to give the child a sugar without asking the parents.
He’s 8 years and not 8 months. In medicines, however, I do not see it wrong to give him some of our food if we know that he is not allergic to it.
He’s NOT DEIN KIND. There is no discussion!
I see my mistake. Reading is hard, isn’t it?
Are you always so stubborn? Then it won’t surprise me if you got a house ban there. If you make such bad decisions at first and then don’t see if you made a mistake, you’re definitely not a good deal!
I’ve known him for a long time, so he’s not strange.
Your mate isn’t 8 years old and will probably take what he wants to take.
It’s not your child and not your little brother. You are not the teacher or the babysitter and also not the trainer –> it is a strange child
My buddy, don’t you think I can’t give him anything about that? I understand it in medicines or in other children I don’t know if they are allergic. My buddy’s brother is not a strange child. It was wrong of me to give him the tablet but I see nothing wrong to share food with him etc.
If it wasn’t simple candies, I can understand the parents. Would you have given the child any other medicine if it had asked?
Or what would have been if the child had any incompatibility against a substance you don’t know about?
What you did was very short-sighted.
The tablet already had a special ingredient.
No, I wouldn’t give him anything except vitamin gums and cough pills, and even if I know they’re okay for an 8 year old. He has no allergies, I know about my friend.
The allergy argument does not draw. The fewest people know they have an allergy until they react to a substance.
I also had to be 25 years old until I found an incompatibility against a certain group of antibiotics. So you can never rule out allergies as long as the person did not come into contact with the allergen.
Yes you’re right
Convince? None
Ask for forgiveness AND respect the limits of these people in the future: Then they will “maybe” be able to regain confidence with time.
For you, it was a “just” tablet against coughs.
A single portion (tablet, spoon full, whatever) is pointless. Does not have any real helping effect.
You acted as you are accustomed to yourself: If you are sick, you can support the healing process through the appropriate dose of the appropriate medicine at appropriate intervals.
A one-time intake (no matter whether sold freely, from the drugstore or pharmacy) causes niix. That’s like taking propane or echinacin or sinupret once and then garnix more of it. Zero-helping effect because the ovulation does not take place over the course of a few days.
So, you traded as you used to it yourself – you didn’t consider something very important:
Sorry, but your buddy’s parents have acted within their rights/responsibilities
You won’t be able to do much…
It’s always problematic to give someone something with a medical background, even if it’s just a squirrel.
I think the parents have completely overreacted. Nevertheless, we must not forget that there are always allergic reactions to chemical components. And not all cough tablets are 100% safe.
Take the situation, as annoying as it is, just as a lesson that missed your life.
I know, but I know about my buddy that he and his brother have no allergies.
Yeah, but with these cough pills I knew they were okay in certain quantities.
That may be. It is recommended for small children to ask parents if they agree. I would not have liked to see it – and I too annoyed – would have given someone to our children at the age of coughing tablets. Finally, these are not normal candy. However, I definitely wouldn’t have been as excited as these parents did. Even if I can understand and understand your side, it wasn’t smart of you.
That’s it! Still, you have my sympathy…
Yeah, I’ll be more careful in the future.
If the parents react so hysterically because of such a relatively harmless thing, you can do little. If she could convince someone, then at most someone who’s a doctor or something. Or your parents talk to your friend’s parents. Maybe it’ll do something.
I can understand the parents. Whether apothetic or not, you gave the boy a medicine for taking and that was irresponsible.
You can show repentance and discernment, and you’ll be so sorry again. That’s all you can do.
Then do it anyway. Obedience is such a thing that you have to do well. Most people use too much of it.
You can’t convince helicopters with arguments.
They are not helicopters but they are afraid especially was synthetic/chemical.