Darf Mutter mir (m13) mir Handy was mir bester Freund zum Geburtstag geschenkt hat wegnehmen wenn ich mich da nicht orten lassen will?

Hi.. bin am Freitag 13 geworden und hab mit mein Eltern schon länger Zoff deswegen weil die mich zwingen Ortung eingeschaltet zu lassen und mir gedroht haben mir das Handy was ich von denen bekommen hab wegzunehmen wenn ich Ortung ausschalte 😔 – und das dürfen die ja wohl weil das halt den gehört..

Mein bestie hat mir jetzt zum Birthday sein altes Handy geschenkt ☺️ . Hab das mein alten noch nicht gesagt aber sie werden es wohl irgendwann rausfinden. Wie ist es da bei dem neuen Handy was ich geschenkt bekommen hab und ja mir alleine gehört, dürften die mir das auch wegnehmen wenn ich da Ortung ausschalte oder wäre das dann Diebstahl von denen?

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3 months ago

Hey Moin Liam, even if you’ve become 13 now, your parents have the duty to oversee you are 18. We used to get through there, okay we didn’t have cell phones but it was a nice time. Behold the positive thing about the whole thing because I always leave my phone for this reason. to make me places.

Accepted in neighboring town are young people of your age and make big crap at the gas station so the police come with blue light. The camera image is so common with you that the police drive to you.

What do you have as proof that you are not on the camera picture?

Now you can say quite calmly that you are not on the picture Your parents have constantly located you.

As far as this and you can be happy that there is something like this today.

You just need to have an accident with the bike (what I don’t want you) and you’ll be found faster.

Because every minute counts.

So, now be glad and take it with you. Others don’t have a phone at your age. Have fun

LG Clown Erni

4 months ago

They don’t have to know. Then you didn’t have a phone.

Let her go home, sooner there was no such thing and we felt comfortable. In emergencies, we found a telephone booth, that was enough.

Today, these cabins are no longer available, but you can ask everyone if need is on the man and he’ll have a phone.

4 months ago

Yes, she can. You’re 13. And the locating serves your safety so that she knows where you are, not control.

Besides, it could not hurt a little more respect to your parents.

4 months ago
Reply to  tomdooley55

Unfortunately, the children are becoming more and more respectless, not only to their parents. But that was said almost 2000 years ago that this phenomenon is clearly visible at our time (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

4 months ago
Reply to  Friedliebender

Yeah, that’s true. Our Lord Jesus is coming soon

4 months ago
Reply to  Friedliebender

That’s right.

4 months ago

He’s already king in heaven. Soon over the earth.

4 months ago

May she.

In your way of expression more than understandable.

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

My bestie has made me a birthday

I didn’t tell my old man

Not even talking about bad grammar.

would that be theft of them?

Certainly not:D

You’re 13 and not yearly.

4 months ago

Then use this knowledge in your “real life”? It’s more pleasant to read for everyone, you have a good exercise – which is important in a profession later on – and it’s just more polite when you write a text that doesn’t have to read the other three times to understand what you’re saying…

4 months ago

Let yourself be advised at a youth advisory office how you can best deal with these completely overlaid monitoring requests from your parents – theoretically they are likely to permanently monitor you, but it is expressly not recommended and advised to do so.

Manyicht also helps your parents learn what is a healthy measure in the education.

4 months ago

Oh fools, yes, even if the phone has been given to you, you can determine it yourself. But your parents don’t care about you, it’s your protection, so they’re worried about you. Think about it, maybe you’ll see it a little different and don’t hide the given phone.

3 months ago

Secret simply the handy first you do I really sorry is just stupid your parents want your safety but there they should also understand your side..


4 months ago

Yeah, but it’s about you need that, and your parents know why they do that. Not to torment you, but because you don’t have the maturity yet. If you’d openly talk to them about it, and so that you’d talk to them friendly and not puperately, that’d be better. Besides, you’re so safer if anything’s going on.

Theft wouldn’t be.

So wake up, get older and if the dekne parents also remember, it’ll be more like that.

In addition, this is with almost every cell phone of children/nearly young people.


4 months ago

Yeah, they can take your phone off and it wouldn’t be theft.

Please try to understand that your parents are concerned about your well-being and want to do everything necessary to protect you and ensure your well-being.

This also means that they wanted to know where you are. This is her right as an educational officer.

4 months ago

According to §1626 BGB, your parents may deprive you of your property if this is necessary educationally. If they want to locate you because they’re afraid that you’re moving in wrong circles or the like, then they can take away your phone. If they just want to annoy you because you’re BVB fan and your parents are Bayernfan, they can’t take the phone away.

It’s not a theft, because you’re your phone at the latest by 18. have to get birthday again.

So a crazy suggestion: Talk to your parents! Explain why you would like to turn off the location and listen to their arguments, why they would like to have it.

Don’t try to claim law and law, because you lose.

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

So their fear or concern is not unfounded.

They don’t take your phone away, you’re 18 but until you either distract or prove you can trust.

Otherwise: Also in 5 years you can use the device to phone, whatsappen and surf on Tiktok. I’m 36 now and my phones were always 5 years old. No problem. It must work, this is the main thing 😉

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

Phoneing, texting and surfing on the internet also goes with a 5 year old mobile phone, as does not change sooo super much. And until then you may earn money yourself, or you may have saved money on the high edge. With 18 you buy a really great phone with all the extras and innovations. What do you think this is fun? Then you don’t want to get away from your phone.

4 months ago

Yes, she can!

4 months ago

Even if it were excessive, of course

You are responsible for

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

Obviously, you have a big educational deficit.

And a deficit of general knowledge.

Now you should know what business is and what education and responsibility means

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

Yes, of course.

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

Theoretically, it’s just questionable if they should take your phone away with 17 years. ( Unless there is a reason for this, of course:))

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

As long as necessary educational – Yes.

You still have a lot of education to be necessary.

4 months ago

That’s right, I was thinking that he needs a phone with time and more, especially if he should go to work or be accessible for other reasons and his parents still take his phone away. If in my eyes there is an excessive measure, it should be something like a fraughter.

4 months ago

Even then not necessarily questionable.

4 months ago

May she – that is called education

4 months ago

Yeah, you’ll be 18 years old.

4 months ago

No, that wouldn’t be theft. They’re your parents, and in the legal context they can decide about you until you’re full-year. Basically, however, it is your phone and your property.

4 months ago

Because you’re underage, your parents decide what’s good or bad for you. They can give you what they want, but also take away what they want. No matter who gave it to you or sold it.

And if you don’t want to stick to agreements by not letting your phone locate, it’s the consequence that they’ll take your phone away.

It’s called education.

4 months ago
Reply to  Liam02011

This is ineffective. You could also say, “We don’t want you to have a phone – with 18 you can do what you want!” and just take it away and throw it in the garbage.

4 months ago

Want to hope…

4 months ago

Above all, from 18 gradually comes the “Aha effect”💡

4 months ago

That’s what you could say. But let’s get the 5 years going faster than you think. This was also annoyed by my parents at the time, “I cannot do this, shouldn’t” etc. But if you have become 18 years old and you can do everything, you can’t do anything you can do until 18 years.

4 months ago

You should have serious thoughts about why they want you to track your phone.
It’s not about control. You know where you are, but not what you do.

So what’s so bad about it?

4 months ago
Reply to  jule2204

The FS is probably about the “control” which I can understand well. Does this control mean an improbable fear of parents, “Your child can do something.”

My parents didn’t monitor me like that at that time, and that was good. If something had happened, they could not have helped me. This monitoring would thus be useless.

4 months ago
Reply to  NadjaX1970

I can quite understand why parents want to know where their child is about to stay.
But you don’t understand when you’re older.

4 months ago

I can understand that, old enough I am. However, I find such monitoring excessively excessive. Because if something really happens to the child, parents can’t help anyway.