Can my father take away my PC, which I paid for with my own money, for the weekend?
Is my father allowed to take my PC, which I paid for with my own money, away from me for the weekend? He's taking it away just because I didn't take the dog for a walk.
You’re 15 – you’re probably not supposed to make the purchase of a PC alone. And there is also that your father is a parent and therefore of course must take measures to your education.
Sure he can. He doesn’t have to provide you with electricity. ðŸTM‚ It’s also true if you don’t get in the household, especially when it comes to another being.
of course he may. he may also ban the operation in the future – his apartment, his electricity
This is an educational measure and your father is there. But you can just stick to the rules at home, then you don’t.
Yeah, he can. That’s what they call education.
Minor year, then yes. Just because you buy it yourself, parents don’t lose all control over it. From this, you must not make purchase contracts above the pocket money clause.
Your father can take away everything even if you bought it. He’s your guardian
Are you underage?
If so, he may temporarily do this as an educational measure.
As long as you’re a minor, yes.