Darf mir der Steamsupport meinen Accountnamen verraten?

Habe meinen Anmeldenamen für mein Steamaccount vergessen, außerdem auch noch keinen Zugriff mehr auf mein Email Account, weil ich mich nicht mehr mit dem Passwort anmelden kann. Jetzt wollte ich wissen, ob mir Steam ohne weiteres meinen Accountnamen verraten darf??

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1 year ago

if your data is not fake you can get account access with help of your ID

1 year ago

In your place, I’d take care of getting access to your email address…

1 year ago

It’s hard to say, in principle, not, but depending on how much you can demonstrate, and on which employee you meet, you might be lucky.

Create a ticket and give everything what you know – when the account has been created, all email addresses that you have/may have listened to – all credit cards / account numbers you have used for purchases, phone numbers you know, keys of games you have activated on Steam.

Yes, many of them aren’t written up, but if you’re looking for a bit, you might find some things you can send them as proof that the account belongs to you.

I’m afraid you won’t be able to start much with the account name. You will probably need a code from the email as well.

1 year ago

How are they supposed to tell you? You have neither mail nor username to indicate. Just because you write to them, they don’t know at once from nothing “Ahhhh, that was it.” And with the name you can’t do much, but you probably don’t have any chances because as described above

1 year ago
Reply to  Kixng017

So you have no proof that it’s your account. You better contact the email operator

1 year ago

I very much hope that they will not do. Everyone could come.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kixng017

Only you see the account name. Your friends and other Steam users only see your display name.