Darf meine Mutter mir sowas verbieten?
Darf meine Mutter mir (w,23) verbieten, mit wem ich befreundet sein darf und mit wem nicht ? Nur weil meine paar Freunde oder von damals meine Freunde sich bissl verändert haben ?( In Ihren Augen ins negative ) damit ist aber nicht hemein Drogen oder so sondern mehr so reisen, party, knppe Bekleidung usw. ?
Aber das hat dich mit mir nicht zu tun? Es geht hauptsächlich darum, wie man sich versteht
Oder was meint ihr?
seemingly you give her the feeling that she can forbid you anything else.
be grown up and behave with her, then she takes you seriously and forbids nothing.
You are full-year, and you can do and leave what you want. Rightly, your mother can’t blame you.
Don’t let her.
But “as long as you have your feet under my table” = you have to listen to it.
Of course, she hasn’t been allowed to do that for over 9 years.
But if you ask such questions, I can assure you one thing, she’ll just do it as long as you don’t mind.
And with 14 the mother is allowed to forbid so much. Under certain circumstances also friendships. WHY THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO THAT’S WHAT ANYTHING
No, she can’t, just with a proven bad influence.
In principle, however, young people have the right to choose their social contacts which they maintain themselves.
Of course it always comes to what the judge believes.
If the judge was sure in the case, the bad influence existed then he can decide so.
The stupid thing is that it’s always individual case decisions should be done before court. There’s so much to be taken into account, that’s really a complex issue.
For example, I know about a case now: friend gets drunk regularly, smokes, drives out at night, the Elernt ineressesses it little. The parents wanted to prevent contact, especially since child really changed negatively, it was with friend. Friend 17 child 15. The parents got right. To tell all this in detail, however, would blow the frame.
Yes, they would have to prove that he at least tried to divert his own child. So that would have to be kind of proficient at the prosecutor’s office if a friend and his own child denied it.
I also wrote that they were allowed to have a bad influence.
The friend’s taking drugs alone is not enough.
Generally not, of course you’re right. You must have good reasons for that. And just like he’s walking around, pissed and ripped jeans, of course, that’s not a reason. One reason, however, could be if the friend consumes drugs and then the ingenious child also leads to this
It’s not that simple.
Of course, parents can decide whether a young person can take the train 30 minutes to go to another city to visit friends.
However, when it comes to visiting a friend who lives 500 meters far away, parents must not generally prohibit a young person.
Of course, parents may also pretend to be home.
No, just not If mother doesn’t want the child to stop at or at xx then that’s the way. Surely you have to take into account the age and the level of development that I’m saying.
But I do what where and when I want is only from 18 (in the context of the normal then of course)
It’s just the place to live, not where you spend your spare time.
Basically correct, but the mother also has the ABR. This can sometimes collide.
No, she can’t.
You’re an adult woman. Your mother can absolutely not forbid or prescribe anything, except things that affect her house or her apartment, if you still live with her.
So she can forbid you to invite your friends to her to the apartment, but what you do outside the house doesn’t matter to her at all.
She’s allowed to forbid you so much.
You’re 23 years old. You alone are responsible for everything you do. Your mother can give you advice at best, but not more.
if she is your legal advisor, she may
You are full-year and professional. If it gets too tight with your parents, pull it out.
She must forbid you what she wants.
You don’t have to follow this because you’re full-year.
No, she can’t.
But what she may forbid is that you invite this friend if you still live with your mother.
If you ask this question with 23 alone, it shows that you are not self-employed.
You are full-year and have rights and duties.