Darf meine Mutter mir meine Kleidung weg nehmen?
Ich trag total gerne Markenklamotten. Meine Mutter hat es mir bisher auch immer gekauft. Jetzt aber hat sie meine lieblings Stücke weg geschlossen und meint, ich bekomme es erst wieder wenn ich mich besser benehme oder ich muss es mir selbst kaufen.
Aber ist das gerecht?
Sie wurde von meiner Klassenlehrerin angerufen, weil ich und meine Freunde witze über den Pony auf den pinken Shirt unserer Klassenkameradin gemacht haben. Sie sah damit aus wie 8. Sie trägt immer sowas. Darüber machen wir halt Witze. Sie muss es ja nicht tragen. Das soll Mobbing sein? Überreagieren nicht alle? Und warum soll ich nicht weiter meine Sachen tragen dürfen?
Wait a minute…. in one of the previous questions you’re 21 years old….
So you’re all year round. You bought the clothes yourself, she’s your property?
But: You are adult….have yourself (as you have described the starting situation) like a teen that is still in puberty.
Parents usually pack when it comes to punishments/education, where the younger child is most likely to suffer. So in your case, the brand clothes. Even if it is surprising that it is still applied to an adult woman.
It is absolutely unnecessary and disgusting to put down/ laugh at other people about them…. only because they are styled differently or wear other clothes, or usually tick differently than yourself.
Interim consideration: Why does a teacher call a full-year-old student in the student’s parents’ house to share this? Schools usually assume that adult pupils/trainees can stand alone for their crap – without the mutti being drawn in by the school.
Next: So it doesn’t suit you that your mommy will give you your beloved brand clothes as a punishment for the bully you’ve done (yes, that’s bullying, what’s so much – some kind of friendly trick?).
You’re an adult. Find another, concrete, targeted solution and share it with your mother.
For example:
How would you feel if your current style of clothing were suddenly no longer appealed…. and therefore other people simply raise/ amuse yourself openly? Isn’t that bad feeling?
Not the clothing defines people.
Yeah, that’s kind of bullying. Not nice. And sad enough that you don’t see it yourself. Punishment must be, your mother is right!!
Dummes can’t recognize they’re stupid. Because if they could think, she wouldn’t be stupid anymore.
She’s your mother, she can do what she wants.
Your mom did the right thing! You should stop the jokes about the girl. I’ve got a girl in the class wearing the horses shirts, and I think that’s a little weird, but I’m still making fun of it because it’s mean. Imagine you were in her situation and others would make fun of you. Even if you say to her, “It’s just fun!” she can still hurt that very much. Can be zb that she bought the shirt first and finds it mega nice and others make fun of it and then she doesn’t wear it anymore because she knows that the others will make fun of it again. With this you can very harm the self-confidence of the person
Wow, I think that’s cool with your mother and I wish that this would make more mothers.
Especially if your other kids are mobbing for clothes! You can’t be serious about putting others down because they don’t wear brand clothes!
Have you ever wondered why? There are also families who cannot pay expensive clothes to their offspring!
Be happy and grateful that you seem to grow up in a family where it doesn’t matter!
That’s completely right that was bullying. Would you like it if you were that girl?
I think your teacher has considered the childish behavior/behavior of your friends and you as a bully to the detriment of your classmate.
The teacher called your mother, in her capacity as guardian, and informed her about your misconduct.
Your mother has become educated and confiscated your favorite things to heal you from your misconduct.
How long the healing process takes, so until a significant change in your behavior towards your classmate occurs, is essential to you…
Complaints to the Youth Office in this matter will be unsuccessful….
You get used to other clothes. It was like me. My mother took my pants off and got me a short leather pants just because I didn’t care about the clothes. The jeans were always broken. I got used to
You used to short leather pants? Find me as cool….🙂
Practically the same question I have already answered.
You might be right at one point. Your classmate doesn’t have to wear these clothes. or yet? e.g. if she has nothing else, or her mother wants it. etc.
Notwithstanding this, you are an immature, distorted, selfish, superficial, oputurnist tube.
Children are no longer allowed to be beaten. therefore I find the punishment your mum has conceived here very creative. I would have gone a little bit further in her place and would have got you such clothes as those you’re making so funny about here and insisted you wear them.
Lg, Nicki
yes _ there is no right to brand clothes only a right to clothes. But it can also fulfill them with totally unmodern second hand chimneys.
Only if you have too little clothes, then you could ask for the delivery of clothes (or the new purchase which, however, can also be second hand goods)
Whether it’s just depends on what kind of crap you’ve built – she’s not gonna do that for a reason.
so you have cared for someone because of his clothing style – there is a just punishment that you then take away your clothes. You should publicly apologise to her in front of the whole class so you can get her back.+
yes that is the definition of bullying
You were clearly mean to a student by annoying her and harassing her.
And please ask the question WIESO to wear these things.
she may like it – then leave her. She doesn’t bother that you’re wearing branded clothes and that’s why you think you’re better.
Or maybe she doesn’t do it voluntarily. There are plenty of people with whom the money is scarce. you can’t go according to individual wishes, but you have to wear what you get right from.
I as a mother would possibly let you work for a few days in a social institution for needy people, so you realize that it is not all as good as you.
definitely no
so that you learn that brand clothes are a luxury and no self-evident
If you don’t like the style of Person X, it’s completely okay.
What’s not in order to bully one about it. Which is probably the case. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have come to the teacher. Consider your deeds, which can be done with a job.
If you don’t like the style of a person, that’s okay. But making fun of it is absolutely not okay!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I can somehow understand your mother that she wants to “ punish you” in any way. Think about it and put yourself in your mother and classmate!
Yeah, she can, and I think it’s good if she gets you off your high horse.
Don’t be so superficial and Mobbe other people because of their clothes.
You didn’t pay a cent for your brand clothes!
So why are you wearing your nose so high? What did you do, except behave like a toddler?
If you were my daughter, I’d be ashamed of myself!
you are right
Everything done right. Bravo Mommy!
On a rough clot is also a rough wedge.
A month ago, she was supposed to be 21. Look at her profile.
If you really do this every time, it will be quite annoying.
again: yes she is allowed and this is also ok – you don’t make fun of the clothes of others
I asked the question again, as the question was evaluated as a “pass question”.
aha, then
Just leave the childish shit and let people wear what they want.
And yes it falls under bullying
Yes she can take away things
You don’t have to wear them.
This is disrespectful. Be glad your mother took away your stuff and not your home.
Was that the case with you?
No, she can’t if it’s yours. But I would seriously talk to the teacher because she seems to have exceeded her competencies.
Oh, yes. And the teacher acted absolutely correctly. You don’t have much plan?
I think it’s very good that she wants to do something about bullying. There were some problems at our school earlier. But I don’t think a few jokes are bad.
Yes, it’s bad! … Words, even jokes, can be damn hurting!
Two. Yeah, she’s allowed to take your clothes off if you have another one to wear.
According to another question, you are 21 years old () but you are as obscured as described in your question? What question did you lie about? This one? The other one?
Both? In any case, you don’t seem to be able to take full.
In this case, I didn’t write anything about my age, why are you doing this on the subject? Do you have nothing better to do than to see if different questions have a consensus?
I believe that both questions should be assessed separately.
But don’t worry, I wrote with the support.
Why do I make a subject of this? Because I wanted to know how old you are (because of your described behavior) and therefore have read through more questions from you to learn your age.
You can write so much with the support, it’s completely legitimate and since you’re so rehearsing, I always assume that you’re not 21 and have lied about your age at least in the other question.
Ergo should enjoy your questions with purpose and not take them for full. But don’t worry, you wouldn’t be the first with fake details. ;
This may be the case for you, but for my part I am not here to deal with any stories just because the questioner / the questionmaker is boring… (You don’t have to take that personally)
I want to judge current situations, give help and make me think about topics that are acute and aren’t several years old, of users who don’t write “sometimes like this” and where you can at least assume that they mean it seriously.
I’m just wondering why you’re thinking about such a troubleless thing about almost 10 years ago. Is it not as far as to make yourself an image of such situations and to understand the mother’s approach from then, or at least to be able to understand?!
Anyway, I’ve made enough thoughts about your person, just because I don’t give your statements or attempts to explain.
Have fun on “miristlangweilig.com”…
I wrote that with the support as it was made before you. Apparently it was checked by a user that my content all agrees. This one called me.
The situation described here is longer and related to the time when I was about 13/14. That’s what I used to say. I wanted to know how others stand for this punishment, now. At that time, it was considered hard in my environment, now I understand. But I wanted to capture other views.
As this has been reported, I removed the age indication.
Apart from how old I am, I believe that it is actually completely irrelevant whether what I write is true or not. I’m talking about the answers. I have my profile for me. It doesn’t have to work harmoniously for anyone.