Darf meine Mutter alles in meinem Handy kontrollieren?
Meine Mutter kontrolliert täglich mein Handy. Sie schaut meine Fotos an, liest meine Chats und kontrolliert meine Anrufe. Es ist so nervig. Ich habe jedes mal Angst dass sie wieder etwas findet was ihr nicht passt.Obwohl ich nichts mache was ich nicht darf. Darf meine Mutter das?
Of course, if you’re not full-year, she may. The good thing is that no one forces you to have a phone, right?
No, this answer is definitely wrong.
You can also prove this immediately with the relevant legislation or references. :
But what is missing is what you actually find wrong.
You’re welcome to smile. Kalle129 has described this very well. Children must also not violate rights.
Yeah. Actually, she can’t. Neither your phone or anything else from you (e.g. diary entry or something) ,you should only ask. Every person and child has a right to privacy, but if you want to do something that you don’t like or what you can’t do and she’d get it out, you’d like it. If it’s annoying you, just change your PIN, you don’t have the problem and she can’t bother you with it.
Is there any reason to mistrust you? Have you ever done what destroyed your trust in you? Or are you on it and get on the wrong track?
Yes I did something but there I was 9 and this is now 2 years ago and since that was nothing more
Well, you’re 11. She’s just doing this to keep you from harm. She wants to see if you can trust yourself again.
What do these questions have to do with the power of searching a smartphone for minors by the guardians? That’s right. From a purely legal perspective.
If you build 9 shit, I can understand that it’s being looked at. Now he/she is 11 and still a child. Children make shit. Understand today’s parents. I wouldn’t want my child to watch with 11 porn, which are now sent back and forth.
It always depends on what you have for a child. I had to grow up very early, so you could trust me a lot and I never really built shit, except that there was no phone at the time.
I still know we had sex lessons at the time and I had a boyfriend with 12. Since everyone has always said how nice sex should be, and since it was just in class, my friend and I have just said that we want to have it, because nobody has said how old you have to be. If it were said that it was only for 14-16 years, we might not have talked about it.
In any case, we had discussed this in letters and thought how it would be. My mother found the letter and gave me a hell of a lecture. Too aggressive and totally humiliating. It felt like sniffing what she did and how she found out.
Only years later, we talked about it again and then she said she just wanted me not to make a mistake. The boy might have bruised with the letter before his friends, etc.
So it’s obvious to me that if I’m a mother, I’m not going to sniff, but try to have a close relationship with my children, so they’re talking to me. I hope I’ll never be like my mother.
Correct the “hook” in “habe” and I am satisfied. Even if you do not use a right, you have the right.
With sweet neighbors I would be a little different, especially if they are outside a tolerable tolerance limit.
Why don’t I go on that?
I, as a mother, wouldn’t control my kids so hard unless I had a 12-year-old daughter telling you how sweet the thirty-year-old neighbor would be. I’d get bright and try to get more out.
I’d probably try the friendly rail and not like the FS here. That’s pretty humiliating to be controlled, so I’d like to avoid.
Otherwise, I would trust my children until they teach me better. If I knew my child was stealing or spreading racist crap, the phone would be gone first. Then I’d watch who spread this, and that friend would get a call to the parents. Either they behave or I forbid the handling.
Just because as a mother, I would not use it for a long time. Only if there is a serious reason that would force me to act as a responsible parent or if I suspect that my child is in danger.
You still don’t go to the above question.
Because only from the law, any person entitled to recovery may almost completely control the child until the 18th birthday.
(I’m sorry for your story, and that sucks, it doesn’t have to be discussed in any way)
Well, Wiesel. It’s almost impossible for me to answer this because I’m not the mother of the FS. I have no idea what he/she did with nine. Perhaps this child is still very unreliable and that is why this control is important. Maybe this child is about to spread right-wing radical shit, or maybe it has stolen several times. Maybe it has questionable friends.
That doesn’t mean that JEDE’s mother has to control JEDES’s child. Not even with 16, where most of them should have grown a brain. But 16 and 11 is a big difference.
In other respects:
I wish my mother would have been interested when my uncle texted me to ask if I had a pretty Múschi. Maybe some things would have been spared if she had been a bit more curious.
Good, but no answer to my question. Suppose the FS is 16.
It doesn’t matter, parents have a supervisory duty! To what extent they teach their children confidence and/or self-responsibility is not regulated by law!