Darf meine Ladung nun seitlich hinausragen oder nicht?

Laut dieser Führerscheinfrage darf eine Ladung (dazu gehören auch einzelne Stangen) seitlich hinausragen,

und hier ist es plötzlich überhaupt verboten, Ladung (einzelne Stangen!) seitlich rausragen zu lassen!

Was ist hier der Unterschied? Oder gibt es überhaupt keinen?

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2 years ago

Yes, she can. But not single bars or similar badly visible objects.

Paragraph 22 stvo

(5) If the load laterally exceeds 40 cm above the vehicle lights, in the case of motor vehicles beyond the outer edge of the light exit surfaces of the limiting or closing lights, it shall, if necessary (§ 17 (1), be made known, to the side not more than 40 cm from its edge and not more than 1.50 m above the road forward through a light with white, rearward through a red light.
Individual rods or piles, horizontal plates and other objects which are not recognizable must not project laterally.


Both are so correct. The take is wrong, that just single rods can stand out.

2 years ago
Reply to  FouLou

achso!!! thank you!!! for the complete section

But what’s the difference? Rods can also be cargo, a thick tree trunk could also be a rod and so on. there are no measures for this!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  klever1

The focus is that these objects are badly recognizable. A thick tree trunk is not a rod. Just a tree trunk.

What exactly is badly recognizable and what is not. Will ultimately decide a judge for a case of doubt. There may also be verdicts.

2 years ago

Hello, Klever0, you’ve been answered yesterday.

2 years ago

In the first case, it is about large cargo parts such as boxes or containers. They may project beyond the vehicle if they comply with the same requirements.

The part that can’t stand out like bars or the like, concerns visibility and danger of injury. Because you can hardly see a thin rod that says out sideways. By the way, also as a driver in the rear mirror, if you look if it fits with the side distance or not. And the risk of injury is greater: A cyclist is only “slided” by a box or the like, but may be skewed by a thin iron rod.

2 years ago

Soundthethe driver’s licence may extend a load (including individual bars),

Is stupidly formulated, see answers only in front or back.

The 2nd link you’ve been hugging

2 years ago

That’s what you asked yesterday.

2 years ago

Oh, do you think the kid’s got a second account so it can be a bit more attention?

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

let you always slip down the sleeve while washing your hands

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

And he’s locked up again.

2 years ago

All easy 🙂

2 years ago

I still know you. It may be that we talked about fitness a few years ago;)

2 years ago

Then we are already two

Okay, no more.

Last comment, are now blocked and I hope to live.

2 years ago

I just got Bock on this discussion.

Then we are already two

2 years ago

No, the support has been looking at this for a while and then it has consequences.

See second and third account.

2 years ago

I’m sorry, by the way, you’re gonna be here now. I just got Bock on this discussion.

2 years ago

I told you that at least 20x.

But not the support

2 years ago

As far as I know, I didn’t get one.

I told you that at least 20x.

But well, if you can’t even read and understand driving school questions, it’s not too unlikely that you can’t read and understand clear hints.

But you’re right. Become a bit more to think about my questions

I don’t think so until I see it.

2 years ago

And apparently, you didn’t even notice that despite x-fold evidence.

As far as I remember, I didn’t get one.

But you’re right. Become a bit more to think about my questions

2 years ago

Where was I?

If you were thinking about why you got locked, you wouldn’t have done a second and third account to keep going exactly as before.

You have said several users x times that it is not acceptable to copy and question every single driving school question. You’re not looking for advice, but for attention. And when even the support shows you a limit, you’ll go on.

So either you deliberately avoided thinking or were unable to do so.

Besides, this is a question platform, and if you forbid to ask questions here, you should reprogramm this platform for something else

You also have an email mailbox to receive emails. And therefore it does not automatically find it horny to get 100 spam emails daily.

You didn’t ask, but don’t.

And apparently, you didn’t even notice that despite x-fold evidence.

Maybe you could take it as an occasion to think about it (I have hope that you will eventually learn it), why you don’t get so much.

2 years ago

Maybe you can pretend you’re capable of self-reflection.

Where was I not? please with link and photos.

Besides, this is a question platform, and if you forbid to ask questions here, you should reprogramm this platform for something else

2 years ago

Maybe you can pretend you’re capable of self-reflection. And would use this to think about why the support hasn’t got a bump on you.

2 years ago

Has also taken forever, the candidate was a topic during the Wednesday talk of the GF Chefs, as one of the team told me (who had asked if we had now pre-tested all 1125 questions here individually by Kl***0, whether this is the new GF)

2 years ago

Let us wait for the third 🙂

2 years ago

Hihi, didn’t even know the first account was finally locked 🙂

2 years ago

if they are securely attached and clearly marked so that it is immediately stretched.always only in the frame of the permissible values