Darf mein Vater meine Chats lesen?
Ich werde in etwas weniger als einem Monat 13 und wollte fragen, ob es erlaubt ist, dass mein Vater meine Chats liest, da er dies schon einmal getan hat.
Ich werde in etwas weniger als einem Monat 13 und wollte fragen, ob es erlaubt ist, dass mein Vater meine Chats liest, da er dies schon einmal getan hat.
Alles schon und gut aber die scheiße schickt plus noch Nagel Reiniger da kann man nicht so schnell schlafen und wo ich ihr gesagt habe das ich schlafen will und sie weg geschickt hab hat die mich angespuckt und hat mich gekratzt und jetzt habe ich die Idee ihr in alle Kosmetikprodukte Essig rein zu…
Wie kann man Bilder aus der Galerie als Snap versenden? Wenn ich welche aus der Galerie schicken will, geht das eigentlich nur über den Chat und es wird dann auch nicht als Snap verschickt
Gerne Ausländische…und wenn möglich mit App. Danke!
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Seit 4 Monaten haben meine Eltern mir meinen PC weggenommen und ich kriege ihn nicht zurück weil ich damit nichts fernünftiges google aber auf meinem handy haben die mir schon fast alles gesperrt und ich darf nur 1h am tag google. Wie kriege ich meinen PC wieder?
Viele gehen sofort auch nach Schweiz um mehr zu verdienen. Jemand sagte mir vor kurzem Nein. Ich liebe mein Umfeld hier in DE und weiß auch zu schätzen, dass ich hier günstig mein Studium machen konnte oder ich bis ich 25 war Kindergeld bekommen habe und gesetzliche kostenlos bei meiner Mutter mitversichert war. Das möchte…
Yes, he may, and this is common at your age. I’m sure the parents of many of your friends do.
Most of all, he’ll be about who you write.
Chats with classmates will not interest him big, chats with people you only know online more.
You may also be able to convince him not to read certain chats when he knows the chat partner, he is your age, and has already been at your home.
I’d just…
Probably he doesn’t trust you and is worried. As part of his care for you he reads your chats. If he’s just curious, his behavior isn’t okay.
He’s curious!
Then I would write to your chat partner: “Attention, my father cannot slow his curiosity and read with. Do you have any curious parents?”
As well:
“So because my father is so curious, I don’t trust him either. Apparently, he doesn’t want to trust him.”
Hahaha thanks x3
Yeah, I know it’s really annoying, but he’s right. This is because he has a supervisory duty, and unfortunately this also applies digitally.
But talk to your father and you can make up that he only does it with you or something
He always takes the phone away and reads the chats without seeing what he reads
Imagine that you make the vl together once a week and ask if he can let you look in.
Or talk to your father. If that doesn’t help and he keeps acting like this, you should go to another person again. Vl a trust teacher or relative.
Hab’s already helped me really
Vl should talk to a trusted person about it.
He’s done before and he just took my phone away without saying why. And when I asked him when he read what’s going on in my chats, if I can see with him he said that he’s hitting me when I keep my naughty
Yes think that is allowed, but I also think that everyone has a privacy
just! When my father found out through my chats that I am standing on girls, he treated me like a animal
When I was your age, my parents never searched my phone or looked through chats. I don’t understand he wants to take your phone away just because of a chat history?
Of course it’s not okay. But he was also disappointed that he knew nothing about it or something. And of course this must be digested by a father
Then he’ll probably take the whole phone right away. And that’s right.
As I see, your father just comes into your phone as if you’re applying a secure password that no one knows so he definitely doesn’t come to your phone anymore (:
I tried T-T
Oh, but that’s not okay anyway
Yes, that would also be a possibility
Oh, I feel with you and you can’t do anything about it. I don’t know your father, but maybe if you try to explain it to him, what’s exactly on it?
Not just for one! He reads several
No. We are muslims, and we can stand for the same sex. He was disgusted
Short and short: Yes, he can.
Basically, he would have to.
There are arguments for it and against, but in the end, your father is always on the longer lever and can enforce what he thinks right.
As long as you’re under 18J, you can’t change it.
Yes, that’s allowed. And under certain circumstances, he is even obliged to do so.
If you don’t mind, you can pay your smartphone and contract/prepaid yourself.
I already have to pay my balance 🙄
You also use your credit yourself… 🙄
Fact: he agreed at the beginning
He’s right. What does he buy you a phone if you’re not accessible?
I told him I don’t want a credit anymore, he says, OK. Next month: why to f*** can I reach you?!