Darf mein Roller mit 60 kmh (Tacho 70 km/h) legal fahren?
Hallo ich habe ein alten Roller(50ccm)und wollte wissen ob ich 60 kmh fahren darf. Die Drossel ist noch drin. Baujahr ist 1998.
Hallo ich habe ein alten Roller(50ccm)und wollte wissen ob ich 60 kmh fahren darf. Die Drossel ist noch drin. Baujahr ist 1998.
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§76 FeV:
The vehicle can therefore travel legally 50 km/h on a flat course on its own.
In the case of an unaltered vehicle, a tolerance is generally granted; in an individual case decision, the OLG Karlsruhe has declared that 20% overshoot with an unchanged vehicle is permissible.
Even if only 10% are granted to you, this would be already 55 km/h on a level track, measured by GPS. Your speedometer will display at least 60 km/h.
Most likely yes. The background is that, on the one hand, as already mentioned, 50 km/h plus generous 10% tolerance were allowed in this year. So already true 55 km/h, this speed is achieved in practice according to measurements almost by all models. In addition, there are the strongly leading tachometers, especially for small motorcycles, i.e., with a maximum of 50 cm3 of displacement. My Kymco Nexxon 50 had, for example, a rich 17% deviation, i.e. at Tacho 50 I drove in real straight 43 km/h. I’ve rarely seen less than 10% of the preliminary course at “Fuffis”. From real 55 km/h, in this way, Tacho 65 could also become – legal! Bergab sometimes even more.
There is a difference between “what the scooter can” and “what you can drive”.
If you only have a roller guide (AM) you can max. 50ccm with 45km/h maximum speed. If the scooter can drive faster due to its design, you must not use it.
For your questions:
Depends on the scooter, but can be possible.
Depends on your license.
Please note:
My statement refers to the driver’s license that limits max. 50ccm with 45km/h maximum speed. Not on the scooter.
(Roller guide license / class AM: cost, testing and age limits (adac.de))
My mistake, had read in 1988…
the scooter was definitely not falling in 1998.
Okay, I went through the internet to check your statement.
Apparently there are the following exceptions to the 45 km/h
(Source Driving class AM – All information | Driving licences.de (fuehrerscheine.de))
This would allow the described vehicle to be moved from the question with an AM driver’s license.
The vehicle was built in 1998, is allowed to drive 50 km/h and also drive with class AM.
As long as he does not have the old GDR approval, at 45km/h 50km/h is absolutely final.
Between the GDR – admission and the EU – 45 km/h – nonsense, however, there was also around a decade of regulation “50 km/h plus 10% tolerance”.