Darf mein Chef mir verbieten mit dem Roller zur Arbeit zu fahren?
Vor 3 Monaten habe ich meinen Führerschein bestanden.
Habe aber kein Auto mit dem ich fahren kann, mein Vater hat vergünstigt einen 45 km/h Roller bekommen, er arbeitet in einer Autowerkstatt, und hat ihn mir geschenkt für die Arbeit.
Am ersten Tag nach der Prüfung fuhr ich zum ersten mal mit dem Roller zur Arbeit , ohne Übung vorher. Beim Parkplatz habe ich einen Radfahrer übersehen, ihm die Vorfahrt genommen und bin selber gegen den Zaun gefahren als ich ausgewichen bin. Ich hatte nur ein paar Prellungen aber der Zaun war kaputt und Roller hatte ein paar Kratzer, ist aber noch gut fahrtüchtig.
Wenige Wochen später bin ich bei nasser Fahrbahn ausgerutscht , bergab , da bin ich einem Auto hinten rein gefahren auf dem Weg zur Berufsschule.
Wieder 1 Monat später habe ich beim Bremsen die Kontrolle über den Roller verloren auf dem Rückweg von der Arbeit und bin gestürzt , musste wieder zum Arzt und war 1 Woche krank geschrieben. Die Versicherung übernahm auch die Reparaturkosten.
Mein Chef hat gesagt das es nicht mehr sein kann, zum dritten mal muss er einen Unfallbericht schreiben, Verwaltungsaufwand, Kosten. Krankschreibung. Er sagt er zahlt die Busfahrkarte und ich soll mit Bus fahren .
Die Versicherung will mir jetzt kündigen außer ich weise nach, Fahrschulbescheinigung, das ich inzwischen verkehrssicher mit dem Roller fahren kann.
understandable for 3 accidents in a short time.
the boss has quite high costs through you; Loss of work on your part – dare advancement.
He cannot forbid, but may be released; for small businesses up to 10 people.
He can’t forbid you. But he’s kind of right. That’s too much.
It is thus documented by the insurance by the notice of termination.
It can be imagined that he can forbid you to drive the premises, so he will have a company space parking belonging to it.
Well, your boss has a duty to care. And if you keep twisting any cubits and constantly piling out, so I’d want to forbid you.
I’d accept your offer.
since the insurance already doubts your driving skills.
However, the duty to provide care applies only in the operating environment.
The way of work is part of the working environment ands on the way to work are so going through the professional community. Thus the accident rate of the company increases and the boss has to ask stupid questions from the BG
no, so applies on the way to work. The boss pays for an accident insurance.
Road accident does not always mean protection by accident insurance – DATEV TRIALOG Magazine
The working path is part of the operating environment.
Running will be healthier for you. Your boss can’t care how you get to work, the main thing on time. If you keep getting see, I can understand him.
He can’t forbid you. But you should do yourself the favor and let it go with the scooters. You can’t drive scooters. It’s better for your health and your fellow human beings.
That he even wants to pay you the bus ticket is really nice.
I’m just wondering how you came to the FS and why you still have it after so many accidents.
Your boss can’t forbid you directly, but he can dismiss you if your days of illness are too high, except for other damages that you cause. So if he’s so nice and offers you to pay the ticket take it better otherwise you’re getting your job off
With the car, I’m sure I’m not with scooters
Watching and steering, braking, all badly hard.
if you don’t get that on the moped, you won’t get it in the car, and you’ll get it
As long as you don’t have it, you should just leave it with the scooters
“I’m just wondering how you came to the FS and why you still have it after so many accidents.”
Exact my thought when reading the accident stories 🙄
The boss is extremely nice if he even pays you the bus ticket.
He can’t forbid you, but I would accept the offer.
Because maybe you should admit that you’re not a good driver. It is therefore beneficial for your health, as it sounds.
I would’t let you do that with the accident rate. Can the boss even do in terms of certain sports if you are permanently injured in sports and therefore cannot get to work.
Don’t know how this is with you right now, but don’t you need an A1 driving license for the scooters?
No, I can drive AM with the B appearance, which drives up to 45 km/h.
But with the “canny” it is still hapering. That’s really dangerous.
The boss can’t forbid anything at all.
If it affects work, he can do it.
No. He can only require you to be able to work (except illnesses, etc.) and to provide your work force in full.
Your accidents in so short time speak volumes.
If you love your life, go by bus.
Collect driving practice with a car and bicycle before you set yourself on a scooter again.
What you can and what you can are two completely different pairs of shoes!
I should have climbed into a lorries with 7.5 tons plus just 12 tons of trailers right after the test, without anyone checking if I really can.
That sounds like the old 3’s, which I even use avoidance with 95.
Yes, you can also drive scooters with the car guide ticket (or AM you get automatic with B).
But it is not sensitive to do something you can’t do just because you can.
And probably you can’t deal with look a scooters.
Your boss hasn’t banned you (which he can’t), he’s just the opinion that you can’t handle a scooter and it’s better for your health if you don’t drive with the scooters anymore. If I understand you correctly, he even offered you to pay the bus ticket.
A good advice: Let it go with the scooters or take a few driving hours. You don’t seem to have a talent. Are you three?
“On the first day after the exam, I went to work with the scooters for the first time, without training before.”
Why do you do that? Without being familiar with a vehicle, one does not participate in road traffic.
“And by car registration you can drive directly scooters”
You can’t. The fact that you don’t get it after the third accident generally makes you doubt that you’re mature enough for driving a vehicle.
Just because you’re allowed to do something, it doesn’t mean that you should or can!
characteristic you can’t drive scooters. Find another solution. The bus ticket is a good offer!
You better stay pedestrians. That’s ridiculous what you’re doing.
I’ve been driving two-wheeler since my 4 year of life (on a children’s motor cross machine) and I’ll soon be 60….so many accidents I didn’t have in all the decades.
I can understand your boss – this is a accident every time and he has all the brass with the paperwork and insurance.
Three accidents in three months are already severe. You should definitely go back to the driving school and take lessons on the scooters.
Don’t let your boss drive with it. But the offer with the bus ticket is really very generous.
Can’t he – despite he’s quite right and it’s a very nice offer to pay you the card!
take more driving hours…. yes, the boss can forbid you in this case, you are a danger to everything in your environment
Your boss is completely correct! Besides, this is even your own safety, as long as you’re too stupid to drive with the scooters!
Did you have a helmet?
By car I am sure
The proposal by bus is better!
in this case I would’t talk about the hot brei… take the offer to that is extremely accommodating
He can’t forbid you, but you should really accept that. You can’t drive mopeds.
I think you should listen to your boss and drive by bus in the future.
Yes, let’s be honest: you’re a danger for yourself and everyone involved in road traffic. Better take the bus!
No only with scooters, why you can switch from car directly to scooters, that’s quite different.
Then drive until you have a car with the bus. The boss is silent paying. Take the nice offer.
Well, with the scooters is harder to steer and look around.
I doubt you’ll be better by car. Of course you passed the exam, but you never drove alone after that, didn’t you? It’s always different from accompaniment.
Yeah, that’s true….but accident yours speak for themselves. You’re not well off road traffic.
Car license, by car I am sure (but have no )
With the scooters you can drive directly without 1x to get rid of it
He doesn’t forbid you, but under the circumstances you should accept the well-intentional offer with the bus ticket.
You should return your license.
By car I can drive, but why you can drive directly scooters with car
because most people don’t get dressed like you….
I was the first time on the roller of a pizzeria and delivered directly.
before you go to the people you practice as in the driving school
But you’re a little stupid, too. for your own safety, you should let the scooter ride be better.
No, but he could find a reason to fire you, because it might be embarrassing that one of his employees is roaming with ner mopete, or he does not miss the stink that the mistding produces