Darf mein bruder in einen film ab 16?
Hallo, Ich möchte am Donnerstag in den neuen Joker Film gehen ins Kino, mit meinem Freund und meinen Bruder. Mein Bruder ist allerdings erst 13 aber ich bin 18, dürfte er da mit kommen da ich dann als aufsichtsperson zähle in dem Momemt?
No. Whether with adult or not, the movie is from 16. Everyone has to be 16. The person with the supervisor applies only to FSK 12 films.
No, he’s not allowed to go in. Not with the parents.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Your little brother doesn’t have to go to the movies because he’s still too young for it and he’s only left for 18 years. They do that, know why.
16, not 18.
Doesn’t matter your brother is 13.
I wanted to go to a Jurassic movie and my daughter wanted to go with me.I discussed with her but she wanted nothing to happen with. When she was back with her father, I got a call. It came as I told her before. She had nightmares. I told them on the phone and it was quiet.
Just go, I was also with my sister and she is 11😅 who do not ask for it