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Just shut up and get in.
You’re good at the rescue service
Ahso and yes, don’t cot on the floor, gives extra cot bag in the RTW
Medical treatment can in principle be refused.
But this looks different when you assume a personal or alien danger. Then that was with the refusal.
Then he must convince the doctor in the psychiatry
Doesn’t help if you refuse to take blood so that there is no evidence of illegal drugs. Or because you would otherwise be considered addictive…
Oh, I understand now. Basically, you don’t have to burden yourself and if you don’t have to pay attention to yourself then nothing happens.
That’s why I’m going from the lie he was “battered”.
If you’re legally there, you don’t have to be afraid of being taken by the ambulance. If anything else can be found in the blood, I can understand the fear.
Yeah, but I don’t mean that. If he is self- or strangely endangered, he must convince the doctor of the opposite.
Grass alone is not enough to hold someone.
Police can arrange a blood sample, but they don’t. Since the consumer has not driven a car and he has not exceeded the allowed quantity