If you emigrate to New Zealand, are you allowed to take a corn snake with you?
Noah, there's really nothing more to ask. The question is purely interest-based.
Noah, there's really nothing more to ask. The question is purely interest-based.
So how many hours would be good? Today almost everyone sits more in front of the PC …
A tree in our orchard (freestanding) suddenly had deep scratches on its bark. They're really deep and about a meter high. It's a mystery to us why an animal would leave such scratches! What could it be, and why (or for whatever reason) is it sharpening its claws on a small tree? Further down, the…
Hello, I have been living in Spain for a long time, am registered here, pay taxes here, etc. I would like to quit my job next year and come to Germany for 1-2 months, but then leave the country again and move back to Spain (to another city). My question: Do I have to register…
Which country or island besides Germany has the best conditions for: Education Health Cost of living Do you know of any tropical islands where it is worth emigrating from Germany?
It will be difficult, as New Zealand, in a comprehensible way, forbids the unregulated import of animal species. Can be that you need papers and permits for a corn scatter there in a lot you need in DE for a highly toxic snake…
@NajaMossambica. It is not only difficult, it is excluded. Everything else is unrealistic wishful thinking.
There are no snakes in New Zealand and so it should stay. So it won’t work. The snake is not allowed to emigrate.
You must register the import of animals beforehand. They don’t want strange species of animals. It’s not easy to introduce.