Darf man während der Schwangerschaft bei Rückenschmerzen eine Wärmeflasche verwenden?
Schadet diese Wärme, die sich steigert,dem ungeborenen Kind? Wenn ja, was kann passieren?
Wenn man das kontinuerlich verwenden muss um die Rückenschmerzen in Schach zu halten.
Do you put the heat bottle on your back in case of back pain? That’s why she can’t hurt the child. But even if you put it on your stomach – first the bottle would hurt you if it were too hot. Your child is still under the thick skin layer and uterus etc. She can’t hurt him!! You wouldn’t choose them too hot for yourself, would you? It looks different when the child is born. Its skin is still very sensitive and thin, you shouldn’t just put a warm bottle or a grain pillow on it, that can lead to bad burns! But as I said, what is good for you as a mother does not hurt the child in your stomach for the first time!
So spontaneously thought if the bottle is not made too hot, it shouldn’t be a problem. But in doubt, you could ask the gynecologist to the gynecologist (also a call should be enough).