Darf man Tampons über Nacht drinnen lassen?
Darf man ein Tampon über Nacht drinne lassen? Ich habe ein großes Problem mit Binden. Immer wenn ich Schlafe, dann verrutscht die Binde. Ich habe es mit langen und dicken Binden versucht, aber sie rutschen ständig weg und ich Blute immer durch. Ich habe keine Lust, dass es wieder passiert und würde es vielleicht versuchen mit Binde +Ein größeres O.B. Zu nutzten nur ist die Frage, ob ein Tampon so lange drinnen bleiben darf /kann.
Hi dear Katee 🙂
Of course you can also use Tampons at night. You should remove the tampon after eight hours at the latest, but if you should stay in bed for a longer time, then it is not tragic, then something will not happen. You don’t need to be afraid of 🙂
Be sure to introduce a fresh tampon before bedtime. If you wake up in the night, check out if it should be exchanged. Otherwise do this the next morning.
For additional protection, you can still put a tie in your slip if the tampon should be full overnight. Then there should be nothing wrong with regard to 🙂
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can of course also go to my profile at any time, send me a friendship request there, and then send a personal message 🙂
Yeah, I can. Should not stay in for more than 8 hours, but that is enough
The tampon should be removed after 8 hours.
He shouldn’t stay inside because the risk of infection then rises sharply. Of course, you don’t always get anything if you let him in for too long, but the chance that you’ll get something up every hour.
You can also leave Tampons inside overnight, but you just have to get up after 8 hours and get him out or change it.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
There are also Pants from Jessa. Find in every dm.
Who runs out at night can try that. Breathable and absolutely leak-proof.
Tampons can be used theoretically over the night, they can only stay no longer than 8h in your vagina, otherwise you can get a shock, but this is very rare. Personally, I always use a tampon over the night, because my own binds do not work. P.s I have my tampon sometimes also 9h in the night inside so all good
Yes, of course, the tampon can stay inside overnight.
That’s what’s going on.
as far as I have already heard, the