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10 months ago

There is no ban in Germany.

In the case of a minor, the guardians can cancel the complete purchase if they didn’t know. Loss of value, shipping costs etc. are then to be carried by seller.

It is therefore a decision of the respective seller, from which point he no longer wants to bear this risk and either requests an OK of the guardians or does not sell at all to minors.

BTW: I used the term “seller” for better comprehensibility. This also works in private shops.

10 months ago

Search online for Pocket Money Paragraph. If a vigilantly regulated thing is or is also heavily dependent on the price. If a loan/financing comes into play, it is from 18. What makes it difficult with an azuubi entry in general.


10 months ago

Depends on the type of payment. If you pay in rates, you need to min. 18.