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It’s allowed what’s going on!
In the course of a regular pregnancy there is no scientific evidence for negative effects of sex during pregnancy.
Quite the contrary, an American study should even have found out that in couples with regular sex there is less frequent premature escapes.
The increased estrogen level ensures greater blood circulation in the vaginal area. Thus, the intimate area of the woman reacts more sensitively to touches, which is often associated with increased sexual excitability – also an increased desire for sex in pregnancy is quite normal.
Even if the woman likes it hard, please – the unborn child is almost as safe as in Abraham’s lap. Even with growing baby belly, it is surrounded by abundant fruit water, the abdominal muscle of the mother and also the pelvic bones can catch a lot.
The fruit bubble shields the unborn child from the outside world and also serves as a damper and protection against injuries.
Only if the mother’s mouth is shortened, in the case of bleeding, placenta praevia, premature labor or premature blister leap should you consult the female doctor.
With growing baby belly in the last trimester of pregnancy, the back position for the woman becomes increasingly unpleasant and you should be a little more creative. The spoon, dog or rider position is then suitable.
Neither the mechanical irritation of the mother’s mouth nor the contractions of the uterus caused by an orgasm lead to mother-bodied birth injuries or to miscarriage.
The prostaglandin contained in the sperm is not enough to trigger pain as long as the body of the woman and the child are not yet ready for birth.
If a pregnant woman wants to have no sex for whatever reason (or even without reason) it is also tolerate.
Happy for you!
Thank you for your star!
Sure, in so far as the gynecologist does not raise any concerns.
Yeah, sure, during the first few months anyway. If it’s a popular… later, so the last few months rather not, or then the female doctor asks if it’s still clear.
Especially in the last few months, sex is unthinkable, but in the beginning it may sometimes come to problems.
Yeah, you can. If everything’s okay with mother and unborn.
And if she wants to.
Of course you can.
Uh, yeah…….you know!!
It depends. Normal pregnancy yes. Risk pregnancies could be risky.