Darf man schnell beschleunigen beim losfahren?


Mir wurde so in der Fahrschule bei gebracht das man due Gänge ausfährt und das man die Bescheinigung gleich mit aus nutzt.

Ich bin so eine, wo generell immer die Gänge voll ausfährt und dann erst schlatet und auch an der Ampel bin ich meistens die wo schneller los fährt.

Darf ich dann auch an einer Ampel schneller los fahren? Oder ist es dann illegal?

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1 year ago

You can start quickly, but you don’t have to.

Of course, it makes sense to get rid of quickly so that the traffic lights still come through the rear before they turn red again, but you don’t have to overdo this.

Normally it is enough to speed up a speed at which you can change the gear without driving too undertour. Full gas and high speeds are not necessary. Uses only unnecessary much petrol and causes more wear.

It is also independent whether the drive is front or rear.

Front drive is, by the way, more modern than rear drive. The first cars had only rear drive, only in the 80s the front-driven cars came to the market in larger numbers.

1 year ago

I’ve learned more than 30 years ago in the driving school that you should get into the second gear as quickly as possible.

And I do.

Mostly, I’m not all about the crossroads I already have the 3rd in.

In fact, it makes sense to speed up a bit quickly, but in no case turn out the gears.

1 year ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

I don’t know how to describe it 🤦 ♀️ I should always use the one gear in the driving school as long as possible

1 year ago

You should always accelerate from 0 to 100 in as few seconds as possible

1 year ago

Easily accelerate – okay. Up to the next red lights, however, extremely insane.

Turn out – just as insane. If you learn this today at the driving school, this driving school is not worth a recommendation

1 year ago

No, it’s not illegal. You didn’t talk about running squeaky tires. Your engine doesn’t matter until before the red area. Your petrol consumption is of course higher. But otherwise there’s nothing against it.

1 year ago
Reply to  alterzapp

Well, sometimes it happens with the squeaky tire as I have a front drive 😅

1 year ago

Okay, that’s an offence and costs 80€.

1 year ago


This driving mode has the advantage that it greatly undermines the needy petrol station industry and can benefit the workshop industry at most. Finally you like to sell new engines and better a new car.

Your driving school probably wanted to tell you how to not drive a Falll car. You need a few more hours.


1 year ago
Reply to  Tellensohn


First. I have an old car. And second. I think I meant… I was supposed to run out of one gear for a long time as possible and then turn it off.

1 year ago

You shouldn’t do it like that. The higher the engine speed, the greater wear and consumption.

1 year ago

Older cars are even more sensitive otherwise they will not be much older.

Have you ever heard of the Eco driving. It is driven as low-speed as possible without the motor shaking. The first gear is only needed for a few meters, then it will be turned up immediately. Even narrowest gyros are driven in the 3rd gear. The highest gear is inside without gradient.

Legally it is necessary to drive as much as possible that no one is disturbed by the noise. With us in Switzerland, you are only doing such driving maneuvers once in the exam, probably the expert will return to the office itself.


1 year ago
  1. Your poor motor
  2. As far as I know, the unnecessary fast acceleration in the interior is prohibited, especially when a red comes after the next
1 year ago
Reply to  BONEz851

I don’t know.

I just meant to start faster or you’re slow, and the engine goes out.

1 year ago

How’s the engine going?

1 year ago

Mildhybrid. We are no longer in the 1990s

1 year ago

No, you can’t speed up excessively fast. It’s forbidden.

1 year ago
Reply to  ProxiCent

Since when?

1 year ago

Item number: 130100

Procedure: They caused unnecessary noise when using the vehicle.

130100 They caused unnecessary noise when using the vehicle. (B – 0) 10,00

§ 30 para. 1, § 49 StVO; § 24 StVG; 117 BC

Warning money 10,00 Euro

Points: No

Driving ban: No

Entry as A or B – Infringement: No


With the timely payment of the 10,00 Euro, the matter has settled.

This acceleration orgy can be quite expensive if a second one accelerates so much next to you, because then this force measurement may be evaluated as an illegal car race and the following penalty decision threatens:


Number of offences: 129618

Procedure: They participated in an unauthorized motor vehicle race as a driver.

Disorder according to: § 29 para. 1, § 49 StVO; § 24, § 25 StVG; 248 BC

fine: 400,00 Euro plus 28.50 Euro to administrative fees

Points: 2

Driving ban: 1 month

A breach

1 year ago


It was also brought to me in this way:)

I’m also one where the walks out