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4 years ago

Turning permission is needed if you want to perform shooting on public squares/roads. VINC767 has already said: a “dissolved olace_ still belongs to anyone. So it’s house peace break when you visit such a place.

4 years ago

You can’t even get in there without a bike.

Basically, the building/base also belongs to someone.

If you can try it, then you just have to be careful not to fall the ceiling on your head and no one catches you 😉

4 years ago

Since the property belongs to someone, it is not necessary by itself.

4 years ago

Have you read your own question by yourself?

“Do you want to turn a bike porn in a Lost Place without a rotary permit? ”

= rotation permit = approval

= Without rotary permission = no permission

and now again your question

” Can you shoot a bike porn in a Lost Place without permission?

Do you notice – that you answered the question yourself in your question?