Darf man nur bei TT-Systemen den Schutzpotenzial (Schutzleiter) mit der Erdung (Erdungsfahne) des Gebäudeerders (idR Fundamenterder, Tiefenerder) verbinden?
und bei TN-Systemen wird Blitzschutz bzw. Gebäudeerder nicht mit dem Schutzpotentialausgleichschiene (Potischiene) verbunden, sondern der Ableitstrom geht über PE und wird an der Sekundärseite des Ortsnetztrafos abgeleitet und der Blitz nur über die Erdung, und vom PE des Hauses entkoppelt, damit keine Einkopplung entsteht und Spannungsverschleppung und PE-Streuströme schäden verursachen.
No, with a TT system you have ONLY the local PA for the PE of the circuits, from the transformer only one N… At a TN network, N and PE or PEN come into the house and there it is also connected to the local PA again… The advantage is the higher short-circuit currents against PE (body closure, e.g.) since not only the ground resistance up to the transformer functions as a return conductor, but also the PE or PEN directly to the transformer, which is substantially more necrerohmetic, such as the pure earth resistance between the fault location and the grounded trafostern point…
The TT network differs insofar as the TN network is not directly conductive in the TT network.
in both nets MUSS!!! the PE is connected to planterder, here the power compensation in the house.
Whether a simple earth spear is sufficient for a TT plant, I would like to put it in doubt at this point. Even for the simple triggering of a B 16 machine, a loop resistance of less than 2.8 ohms is necessary at 230 volts! Here you could help with an RCD as a replacement scraper, but that would be a bit faithful to the motto: I don’t touch me because my car has airbags.
Lg, Anna
Is the lightning protection a power source because the lightning protection system cannot be placed on the protective potential busbar?
the lightning protection system is to be provided with its own grounders.