Darf man noch Allwetterreifen fahren?
Bin etwas verwirrt – da ich auf der einen Seite gehört hab, dass die komplett verboten sind auf der anderen Seite heißt es, wenn die Schneeflocke drauf ist darf man.
Bin etwas verwirrt – da ich auf der einen Seite gehört hab, dass die komplett verboten sind auf der anderen Seite heißt es, wenn die Schneeflocke drauf ist darf man.
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Hallo, ich habe heute ein Auto besichtigt und soweit passt alles. Als ich mir allerdings die “Winterreifen” angeschaut habe (Verkäufer meinte bereits er zieht neue Winterreifen also nicht die aktuellen Allwetter beim kauf drauf) Sie sind extrem runtergefahren und ich wundere mich nur über diese “Risse” in der Innenseite. Sind die Reifen einfach maximal runtergefahren…
I chose all-weather tires with snow symbol because I don’t drive.
My son drives more and has summer and winter tires.
Or otherwise: We decided differently because of the kilometers to travel.
You may have the correct dimension with any tyre that still has the necessary minimum profile depth and has no significant damage.
You probably mean if an all-weather tire can be used in Germany when driving snow or ice smoothes (in Germany you can also drive all year round with pure summer tires as long as no snow or ice is on the road! Unlike in Austria, we do not have a general winter tyre requirement in Germany!).
The symbol with the snowflakes and the mountain on the tire is used for permission to drive in Germany in snow or ice smoothes by car. Nothing else. All the opposite statements are either wrong, or you didn’t get them right.
You DARFST drive them, but it’s not very sensible. It is an intermediate solution that is worse both in winter and in summer than winter and summer tyres.
Of course you can still drive with all-weather tires.
Only in winter they must comply with the valid standards for winter tyres, i.e. with the snowflake symbol on the mountain.
All-weather tyres with Alpine symbol – can be driven in summer and winter.
All-weather tires without an alpine symbol – here the regulation acts as in the summer tire. They must be driven as long as no winter road conditions prevail.
As long as it has no winter conditions, your tires do not need snowflakes or alpine symbols. Lis https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/ausstattung-technik-zubehoer/reifen/sicherheit/winterreifenpflicht-deutschland/
Since the first October 2024, winter tyres and all-year tyres have to carry the “Alpine symbol” (mountain pictogram with snowflake) so that they can be driven in wintery road conditions.
A snowflake must be imprinted on the tire.
Thank you.
That’s what I thought.
You can also drive summer tyres – only in winter road conditions. If this is true, a mountain with snowflake must be imaged on the tire flank. At GJR (not China scrap) the case.
Only if they have the Alpine symbol can they be driven in winter conditions.
So we can drive them.
A question of all-weather tires.