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According to the road regulations, “only” is a suitable helmet to wear, but a bicycle helmet is certainly NOT suitable for the motorcycle.
Best regards
No, there are regulations which require a helmet to drive to the motorcycle. This is the ECE 22/05 for helmets in Germany.
There is an information sticker in the helmets.
A motorcycle helmet tested according to ECE 22-05 is certainly always recommended, but it is not prescribed in Germany.
Welcome to Michael
with this one already. The Cratoni is approved according to ECE 22-05 standard. I’d be safer on the bike.
If you see some comedians walking around the Harleys, with some “flashing”, the Vigor is even better
No, you can’t
No, because they are not designed for a fall with a motorcycle
No way! To love your safety, wear a real motorcycle helmet.
No, and who wants this?
Throw your bike helmet from the third floor then you’ll see what’s left of it
Right. Compared to this, a wool hat is much safer!
Funny what some ask for questions…:)
However, it does not matter what remains of a helmet after a fall, but that it protects the head in it.
And this can also be a bicycle helmet.
My cousin is Triathlet, and he’s been violent two years ago. The bike helmet was over, the head was over. Without a bike helmet, that would have looked quite different.
Welcome to Michael
But he should try this with a motorbike. These are quite different forces that act there.
I’ve already done that in my answer to the question…
I think if someone is already planning to drive bike helmets then you have to explain gaaanz exactly:)
Nee was not
I should have written that, of course, it is not suitable for the motorcycle.
I assumed that this is clear at least for us;-)
Welcome to Michael