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The sauna promotes inflammation where it comes!
So open wounds, but also related wounds, plaster arms / legs do not belong to the sauna, everyone who has tried it before.
Closed wounds have no influence on the sauna. I would count your urinary path infection or inflammation in the mouth space as long as you shut your mouth… 🙂
Keep your sense of well-being in general. The Finns always laugh when we come with “I have to ask my doctor” because we should ask the doctor about every shift. Also here you will certainly recommend a lot, ask your doctor…
Ask a Finn who spends half his life in a sauna…
He tells you: As long as you can go to a sauna, you can also SAUNIEREN…
So, if you feel “well” and don’t have “feeling” restrictions, this will also take your body without harm!
Provided there are no open wounds as described above…
and it must NOT be contagious!
Otherwise a lot of fun in the sauna!
LGtom sauna (
Thank you, very good statement!
In principle, you should go to the sauna only if you are completely healthy, because the heat and the temperature change already strain the cycle. It’s not beneficial if you’re sick.
A healthy person wears this and it is also good to strengthen the immune system, but if you are sick, you shouldn’t like such a strain to your body. He has enough to fight the disease.
Thank you! I’ll be here.