Darf man mit einem Dildo auf dem Kopf (Helm) Motorradfahren?

Hallo, ich M (Motorradfahrer) frage mich ob man mir Rechtlich schaden könnte, wenn ich aus Spaß mit einem Dildo auf dem Helm in z.B. der Stadt rumfahre. Ich und mein Kollege wollen das machen, jedoch sind wir uns nicht ganz einig ob das Rechtlich okay ist. Wir haben auch geplant, Autos im Straßenverkehr (wenn sie z.B. uns die Vorfahrt nehmen) den Dildo auf die Windschutzscheibe zu klatschen und weg zu fahren.

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir das beantworten.


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5 years ago


there seems someone the video of Cowfish seen.

The only rumbling should not be punishable. It becomes difficult to lose its hold and one Accident cause, then it will be expensive for you/you.

Also in the part with which to clap on the windshield I see problems. In this case, there could be definite damage or obstacles to road users, keyword “dangerous intervention in road transport“.


5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

Then you should follow him and not beat him over the strings.

5 years ago
Reply to  emesvau

or disabled persons

Not only “disabled”. The driver is terrified and even a serious accident can occur.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mignon5


2 years ago

The question is already a little bit here, but I’m thinking about doing the same. Was there any problems in the past?

5 years ago

I see where this is going. You see yourselves as the poor victims who are constantly stealing their way and as a revenge for that you want to put a dildo on the windshield. You must have seen too many Rage videos to get on such a bullshit

5 years ago

“I and my colleague”… the donkey always calls himself first… with which we would be on the subject:

Apart from the possible excitation of public anger, it is also added that the thing dissolves during the ride and represents a not inconsiderable danger for subsequent vehicles. If you make this thing so hard on the helmet that it can’t fall down, you don’t have to rely on the fact that in the event of an accident you are still reliably protected by the helmet: even additional stickers on the helmet are already such a point for yourself; in the case of fastening holes, you already know where the thing will start breaking first in the case of cases.

The motorcycle helmet is a vital Utensil that you should see and treat both as such. I’d put you in a minor moped gang… With such a nonsense and if you only really needed the helmet, you can still say 50 (if at all) that it was worth the lasting damage to have been saucool on the helmet with a dildo. You wouldn’t be the first person to permanently pay for such a nonsense.

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

It’s a ghostly thing, because more Grips than a couple of public moped drivers don’t seem to have you.

5 years ago

The question seamlessly fits into your other questions.

At least you show constant behavior. Constantly stupid.

5 years ago

I wouldn’t do that, and that can go back.

rebuilt on the helmet so that it is no longer legally certified, etc you need new helmet.

if the falls and causes passers-by etc. you are liable and no insurance of the world would pay for it.

Then there would still be the “eventual” reason of public excitement (not a polizist or lawyer)

Then there would be the possible reason for the dangerous intervention in road traffic (not a politicist or lawyer)

5 years ago

Remove driving permits for life. Such people simply do not have the spiritual maturity to lead a vehicle in public transport. From the mouse. Go back to the kindergarten and learn from there again. I’m sure there’s something lost with you.

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

I find your self-knowledge of spiritual limitation remarkable.

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

Sad? It is more of stupidity if you can only insult people with force

5 years ago

Yes, you can. If someone complains, but no more. Then it counts as an arousal of public trouble

5 years ago

It would have to be extremely well attached, otherwise other riders are endangered, for it is excitement public anger

5 years ago

if you take your medicine, you can do everything

beautiful greeting to the unicorn

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

Thank you

5 years ago

They always talk to us that we should avoid everything that distracts us in road traffic and there comes one with such a crunchy idea around the corner.

If I were, that would be punished.

5 years ago

Nobody cares about your heads. So it’s hard to see if you dildos are mounted on your helmets. It would be indifferent to everyone.

You only need to be careful that they are mounted on the helmet so that they can not fall down and damage a subsequent car and/or that an accident occurs. IHR is liable for all damage and this can be really expensive if there are injured or dead. You can ruin yourself financially until the end of your life.

We have also planned to clap the dildo on the windshield and drive away cars in road traffic (if they take the driveway, for example).

That’s even an intent. In this case, a juicy criminal proceedings will come to you in addition to all costs, as described in the previous paragraph. It is not important whether it is a dildo or a stone that could hit other road users and cause an accident. You accept cheaply that other people are hurt or killed!

Your question shows that you do not yet have the spiritual maturity for the part close to the road. You obviously have not heard anything about responsibility.

How would you actually react if your mother, father, siblings, girlfriend, etc. were involved in a traffic accident and seriously injured, because 2 males found a dildo funny? Would you find that funny?

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

The road users pay attention to traffic and not to what others carry on their heads. In addition, you drive too fast past each other and therefore you do not realize that it is a dildo.

The risk remains the same. Even at low speeds, other road users can react with a shock, tear the control around, drive on the pedestrian path or the mating path, make full braking, etc. These are all reactions that are incalculable for you.

Even the idea of threatening yourself and other people from jux and rabies is more than infantile and mentally totally immature!

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

A few laughs…? I think there’s more men coming with the white sneakers…

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

If you want to buckle a dildo on your head to walk through the public, the spiritual maturity definitely does not have. That might find seven or eighth graders funny, but no adult people with a certain spiritual maturity.

Sorry, this is total kindergarten.

5 years ago

Clear 🍌👍

5 years ago

Arousing public troubles

5 years ago

And what’s fun about it?

5 years ago

How old are you? 3…?

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

Oha… naja… dümmer always goes… even if you should think at the age there is already some brain…

5 years ago
Reply to  KokaEnte

The road map is designed to provide people with the opportunity to get from A to B without injuries. This is not a party area where you should optimize the fun.

Even without your fun, more than 3,000 people die every year in traffic accidents, almost 400,000 injured. Road transport is not a Gaudizone.

5 years ago

Sorry Panazee wasn’t for you.

5 years ago

That’s exactly why I wrote that the driving permit should be withdrawn because the mental maturity is not given a vehicle

5 years ago

Thank you.

5 years ago

Sorry, but apparently you still have alcohol problems – you should get in touch with them.

Coupled with such stupid ideas as this one is a very bad combination.

If I do, I’m sure there’ll be any one who pushes your dildos in the throat or in the ass.

Best regards


5 years ago

The question answers every good mental health care.

5 years ago

Sorry, but “You and your colleague” have really lost nothing in road traffic.

such a crisp idea…