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2 years ago

A good trick is when you put skateboards and collapsed e-rollers in this big store at the bottom of the shopping cart 🛒. No one has said anything yet.
Sometimes you can take them in smaller shops (optics or so) even if you ask.

2 years ago

Was meanwhile in many different shops with my e-scooter and with most it is no problem, only Edeka and Cap had what said, but you can put the e-scooter in the shopping cart (at the end only bulky and less space for customers with a shopping cart).
Just try out or ask before, senior mobile can also be in if it comes to fire.

2 years ago

Yes, you can go to business with your e-scooter – as long as you don’t pull him through the corridors or try to drive him to the changing room. 😉

Seriously, make sure to close your scooter and park in a safe place when you leave it somewhere. And remember that in some shops it is forbidden to enter with bicycles, skateboards or other means of transportation. So be careful and inform yourself!

2 years ago

Yes, as long as you shoot this thing, no one says anything except if the business has had bad experiences with other customers with e-scooter.

In addition, you can easily fold the part together and store it under the car or in the car.

2 years ago

So if it’s yours then I’d push him in and ask him first of all at the checkout if you can take him in me but that you’re gonna push that even though it’s made with roller skates, but if it’s not yours, it’s just the things that are standing around all around then it’s gonna go

2 years ago

It’s easy!

If the respective shop operator is allowed: Yes.

If not: No.

1 year ago

So I work at dm and you can take him in with us. I myself also think very often with Edeka, Aldi etc and I have to go straight on the way to Primark and actually just look for an answer, whether he can also get in there, as with the other shops 😅 but either here all live in strange areas or simply have no idea, because with us in the (Great)town it was up to now in no single grocery store a problem.

2 years ago

No, no one’s taking an e-bike.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sesam177

That’s different 💀😭

2 years ago

No, you can’t.

2 years ago

I always fold him together and put him in the shopping cart. Nobody said anything yet.

2 years ago

Of course not

2 years ago

Yes, of course, nobody says anything here. Whether it’s an e-scooter or a normal scooter, you’re seeing younger people more often and nobody says anything.

2 years ago


2 years ago

It’s not my shop. I need you to tie him to the hump.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shadow149

Because it’s out of the common sense to cross things in shops. The next one comes on the skis.

1 year ago

In theory, because the owner of the supermarket has so-called house law. He decides who is allowed to enter his shop and who is not. He can also determine that the electric motor must stay outside. The passages are so narrow and there you come up with a shopping cart and scooter. The risk of damage and disabilities cannot be pointed out by hand. If you have one to fold, you can put it in the basket.

1 year ago

I mean, what does this have to do with (healthy) sense of man when you take e-scooter into business or not?

1 year ago

And here comes the best comparison of the world.

2 years ago

If you can still walk at the scooter, at the latest at the skateboard 🛹, it becomes difficult with the chain lock.

2 years ago

Safe storage does not justify your behavior. Gives good chain locks. And then nobody steals that.

2 years ago

Shut him up and put him in the shopping cart during shopping.

2 years ago

can I go to business with my car because it could be touched out?

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

Haha good comment haha!

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

Yes, for example, in our construction market you can.

2 years ago
