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Calling is not prohibited.
But since you can’t use Amazon anyway with 14J – and you can’t order it doesn’t make much sense.
At Amazon order, this is basically only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.
If you have violated it and ordered Amazon with your own account, although you are underage, then you will have to Locking !
but have a question as they have debited me money, although the order has been canceled for 2-3 days.
As I said, if you have ordered your own account, you have violated the Amazon AGB and have to Locking !
When it comes to a lot of money, please do better Your parentsto call.
You yourself are not fully operational.
Do you think a group like Amazon can be fooled by children?
There are always questions and stories from crying minors who have been caught and locked and no longer get to their money.
You’ll be one of the next.
That’s it. Locked on life and money.
Then you mean I’ll be locked and don’t get any money back or what.
Calling is not prohibited. It’s just pointless, as you can open an account with 18. Without an account, you cannot have a need to call Amazon’s customer service.
But you need help because they’ve booked money now. although the order has been canceled for 2-3 days
Then call. But if they doubt your age based on your voice (you obviously lied about your age), your account will be immediately blocked.
Has the cancellation been confirmed? I think that a cancellation was no longer possible and the goods are now being sent.
Yes, with 14 years you can call the customer service at Amazon or in general.
Does that seem strange for the person at the other end when someone is 14 talking to the person?
Unless you have problems with your account what you should have from 18
No? It is not that only adults can have problems
Hey, maybe it’s helpful to call the Amazon Hotline directly?
The Amazon customer service will certainly help you with this.
Here is the Amazon phone number: 0800 36 38 46 9
I found the contact details of Amazon here:
I hope I could help you
May I? It’s not forbidden.