Darf man in Österreich barfuss Auto fahren?

Hallo ihr alle,

Da ich in etwa 2 Wochen nach Österreich fahre und ich nicht genau weiß ob es da auch so geregelt ist wie in Deutschland, wollte ich mal fragen ob hier jemand weiß wie es dort geregelt ist?

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2 years ago

There is no regulation. Therefore, you can steer your vehicle with or without any footwear as long as you are able to carry it safely at any time.

Road transport regulations: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Request=Federal Standards&Law No=10011336

In case of an accident, it is sometimes necessary to read that the opponent’s insurance constructs a co-indebtedness of a barefoot driver, but here the proof burden must be taken into account: it should first be proven that you are not in a position to brake in time because you are not wearing shoes. But even if: if you can prove to put a full brake on a barefoot (if you can easily be demonstrated on a test track), I don’t see how you could turn a knit out of it.

2 years ago

It is regulated as in Germany. So not forbidden, but if you could have avoided an accident, you will be asked for it.


2 years ago

You need a special permit.

2 years ago

From the police

From insurance No

2 years ago

If you have a so-called Mallorca police, or if your damage is regulated abroad, as if the accident opponent in the country were insured with the same insurance, then you have bad cards. I wouldn’t take the risk in any case.