Darf man in einer Mathearbeit schummeln?
Bitte sagt ja
Bitte sagt ja
Hey liebe Community 🙂 Und zwar möchte ich meine Kaffeemaschine entkalken und es steht in der Bedienungsanleitung, das eine 4%ige Lösung verwendet werden soll, von Haushaltsüblichem Essig. Ich habe den von Surig mit 29,4% zu Hause. Ich habe jetzt schon mehrere Formeln auf Google gesucht, aber iwie klappt es nicht 🙈 Ist einfach schon zu…
Wie komme ich auf die andere grüngefärbte Länge. Kann mir jmd helfen?
(a) An einer mathematischen Übung zu “Grundlagen statistischer Methoden” sind beteiligt 40 Studierende des 2. Semesters, 8 Studierende des 4. Semesters, 2 Studierende des 6. Semesters. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß ein abgegebenes Aufgabenblatt fehlerfrei ist, sei 0.8 für die zweiten, 0.9 für die vierten und 0.4 für die sechsten Semester. Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür,…
Meine kleine Schwester hat mich gefragt was die Lösungen sind, weil sie diese Aufgaben gemacht hat und ich weiß einfach nicht mehr wie das geht. Ich bin übrigens in der Q1 jz. Ist das schlimm? Habe es lange nicht mehr gebraucht.
Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe gestern auf Wunsch von meinem Bruder die Hausaufgaben (Klasse 9) kontrolliert. Da gibt es etwas wo wir uns uneinig sind und da würde ich gerne wissen wer von uns eurer Meinung nach recht hat. Die Aufgabenstellung ist folgende: „Herr Müller soll einen Güterzugwagen mit Paletten beladen. Die Ladefläche hat eine…
Hallo ZusammenWie gehen diese Aufgaben zu den Linearen Funktionen?
Well, on the one hand, it’s probably in your school contract that you signed that you wouldn’t do that and then the contract break would be, otherwise it would be, as a math work is an academic achievement, a fake. Both not necessarily beautiful crimes.
Well, you probably don’t threaten any legal consequences, but it’s not that allowed…
You should bear in mind that teachers are not doof (usually) and the likelihood of flying far higher than zero. Keep in mind the following: if this happens, you will get a 6. And you’ve got a note that’s better than 6. Good luck!
A breach of contract is not a crime, but a civil problem. And a document won’t be counterfeit.
You’re allowed to cheat completely free of punishment. And get a nice 6. You’re not in court.
Good, but the breach of contract can still be seen as a breach of duty and that can be carried out in court. If nobody’s gonna do it, it’ll be possible. This becomes worse if you don’t give false oaths, but what schools below universities are rather inappropriate, for which the Criminal Code provides for a fine of up to three years.
You’re right.
This is all extremely far brought!
It’s not even known how old the FS is here. The word “mathework” alone suggests that it is a school-aged person under 18 years of age. He’s never signed it! There are sanctions in the school system and that was so light years away from any crime.
I can’t even recognize in the wildest scenarios unjustly. cheating on a math work either flies up and is directly punished as a “true attempt” with a bad note or a failure attempt at a exam, or it does not fall up and the Schummler is lucky.
We are not talking about fake dissertations, which can only come to light later and whose scope is much greater.
If it’s bad, you could also say that you want to acquire an unlawful asset advantage through fake academic achievements by fooling someone. This would then be § 263 in the StGB and for that there are up to five years imprisonment.
This, too, is not going to happen to anyone at a school, but would not be completely excluded.
Yes, if you accept, then get a six. 😎
-What nobody knows doesn’t make anyone hot-
-Everything is legal as long as nobody sees…
But if you go according to the rules then no.
Whether you’re trying it is with you.
The second sentence is not true…
Why? If anyone never knows (apart from oneself) what do others want to do?
Well, it may be nice as a saying, but it’s not true.
You don’t know that spell, can that be?
It is, of course, not legal, but you simply have no one who sanctions it.
This is an excellent method to get the work subsequently rated insufficiently. So courage to risk!
By the way, I am for the same right for all. If the pupil is allowed to cheat, then the teacher may be cheating. That would make the correction much easier.
I think the desk response is “no”. But what kind of consequences could happen is certainly not insignificantly dependent on what you understand under “stumble.”
To put the neighbor on the notebook is something different from getting the solutions by smartphone from someone who puts them on the toilet.
Sure. Don’t let yourself get caught.