Darf man in einem Notfall schneller fahren als die Polizei erlaubt?
Nehmen wir an ich habe eine schwangere Frau im Auto – es eilt.
Nehmen wir an ich habe eine schwangere Frau im Auto – es eilt.
Hallo , und zwar wurde ich heute früh von meinen Freund angesprochen was ich für kleine Weise Bläschen an der Brust habe ? Sie befinden sich ehr so am nippel , meine Brust schmerzt seit kurzer Zeit auch sehr , sind sehr hart und die nippel sehr empflich bzw schmerzen sogar bei Berührung. Allgemein zur…
Ich frage, weil ich heute in eine stressige Situation geraten bin: In unserer Landkreisstadt ist eine Kreuzung mit Ampeln und hinter zwei Ampeln steht jeweils ein Blitzer, die auch blitzten, wenn man über rot fährt, weswegen ich dort schon lieber bei gelb anhalte. Ich bin heute mit meinen Eltern dort gewesen und beim nähern an…
wer ist denn jetzt an dem tod der 5 menschen schuld? ich finde die menschen die drinnen waren und oceangate. die durften nicht mal so weit runter tauchen, sind sie aber trotzdem und wir wissen ja alle was passiert ist… wieso hat ihnen eigentlich niemand gesagt das sie nicht so weit runter dürfen? das war…
Ich habe die Wahl als Dienstfahrzeug (inkl. privatem Gebrauch) einen Leasing-Wagen selbst auszusuchen. Die meisten möglichen Modelle habe ich gestrichen und nun muss ich mich noch zwischen den zwei o.g. Autos entscheiden. Der Wagen soll mit aller Ausstattung nicht teurer als 25.000€ werden. Welchen würdet ihr wählen? – mit Begründung falls möglich. Danke vorab!
Hallo, ist man zu schwer mit 140kg für die Bimmelbahn (Zug mit reifen der durch die Stadt fährt)
Hallo, ich suche ein gutes Pendlerfahrzeug bis 9.000 Euro. Absolute Schmerzgrenze sind 10.000 Euro. Kurz zu meinem Fahrerprofil: Tägliche Strecke ca. 110 km + Privatfahrten Gesamt p.a.: ca 25.000 km Gerne ein Diesel Nicht zu alt und nicht zu viele Kilometer auf dem Tacho. Wichtig sind Zuverlässigkeit und Verbrauch. Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken einen…
This question cannot be answered in a flat-rate manner with a “yes” or with a “no”, the individual case always decides legally.
Theoretically, in any case, an appeal for “justifying emergency status” could be considered in accordance with §34 Criminal Code (StGB) or according to §16 Ordinary Disorders Act (OwiG). The text of the law reads: “Whoever commits an act in a present, unrestricted danger to life, body, freedom, honour, property or any other legal material in order to avoid the danger of himself or another does not act illegally if, in the event of a balancing of the conflicting interests, namely the legal goods concerned and the degree of dangers threatening them, the protected interest substantially outweighs the affected person. However, this applies only to the extent that the act is an appropriate means of avoiding the danger”.
In detail, this means:
1. The danger must be present,
2.) The risk must not be reusable in any other way than by the desire of the emergency action, so it must not be a less engaging means which is equally well available for the risk. In this respect, strict standards must be laid down,
3. In the context of the balancing of legal goods to be carried out, the protected interest must significantly override the person concerned and
4. The act must be a “appropriate means” for eliminating the danger.
Road traffic regulations have been adopted in principle for the prevention of danger or for the protection of the body and life of road users. Those who do not comply with these regulations have an increased risk of accidents and, of course, jeopardise unparticipated third parties. In the balance of legal goods, therefore, the life and life of the other road users and the body of the pregnant and unborn child are at first confronted, so there are two fundamentally equivalent legal goods which stand opposite each other and there is no “essential overthrow”. In such a case that two fundamentally equivalent legal goods are present, however, the degree of danger of §34 StGB or §16 OwiG comes to bear. The danger of accident is legally a so-called “abstract danger”, because it is not certain that an accident is caused by the exceeding of the permissible maximum speed. However, it is ensured that the pregnant woman and/or the unborn child will suffer a health damage if they do not receive medical assistance as soon as possible, so there is a “concrete danger”. This has the effect of shifting the balance of legal goods in favour of the more acute, i.e. the more concrete danger. However, at no time must there be a concrete risk to other road users, because then there is a concrete risk of concrete danger and any justification fails.
In practice, however, it will most likely fail in the appropriateness of the emergency action. It is not appropriate to exceed the permissible maximum speed with the private vehicle if there is a rescue service which, in 95% of all emergency cases, must be at the emergency site within ten minutes (nationally differently regulated but in no federal state for more than 15 minutes). Something else can be given in individual cases when the dispatcher in the emergency call office says that it can take 30, 40 minutes until an ambulance arrives. This is possible in absolute exceptional cases. I call here an example because it is currently the heavy train accident in Bavaria. Here, all the rescue equipment available in the area were naturally tied to the train accident and it can take quite a long time until an ambulance reaches the pregnant woman. In such a case, however, it may be possible to also justify police competence, i.e. instead of the rescue service, the police may come and drive the pregnant woman with blue light and sequel to the hospital.
because the rescue service is responsible for such transports.
Such questions are about the somewhat complicated distinction between legality and impunity.
No, you can’t drive faster than you can, even in emergency situations. However, if you do, and you get caught, you have good chances of getting away with a very mild penalty in such emergency situations.
Also in such a situation, I have experienced very polite, helpful, empathic officials who immediately pulled me out of the loop – the next streak on the route to the KH, who then also caught us through – i.d. a question of communication .
No, even if the car can… It is an exceptional situation. you are with the thoughts elsewhere. Then the least of them are driving.
Stands on the first side in the driving school book: Do not drive intoxicated. Even not with “psychic” limitations when one has experienced bad things about what gaaaanz different thinks or has stress…. all distractions.
People themselves go to the hospital only if it is not an emergency and still with a companion.
Get pregnant or starting birth better call the rescue service. You will be transported safely and quickly. In addition, the private car has no signalling devices.
At the moment, I would be wisely told
I think, at the latest, if you build a crash due to the excitement in connection with excessive speed, it’s no longer a bad thing for you.
Yes, of course, but it can go wrong… Even if there is a good reason, you should be protected and behave normally. Who use accidents? I don’t know if you get a milder judgment because of the circumstances…
Especially if you are driven with the rescue service, which can also immediately intervene in complications or can also pre-inform the clinic. (time saving)
The time you need also needs professional help.
Your lawn will only remain criminal if you can prove that you have tried in vain to get medical help.
Pregnancy takes 9 months, why should you have to exceed the speed?
And even when birth begins, the mother in an ambulance is better off than the back seat of a car that snaps through the area at an excessive speed.
As if it always has ambulances everywhere, oh mann.
Ambulances don’t stand everywhere. An ambulance, however, is usually on site in 12 minutes and then first measures can be initiated. Even if you’re faster in a hospital that hopefully has an emergency room, it’s not sure you’ll get help right away. What if all are tied up because just before an accident with several bruises has come in?
In such cases there is a rescue service!!!!
No, definitely not!
The danger that comes from stress to complications is far too high.
No, you can’t.
There is a rescue service
Only if the police are ready!