darf man in deutschland ein stückchen auf der straße reiten im hauptverkehr??

ich hab ne traum ausreitstrecke gefunden

allerdings leider ein nachteil: ca. 1 km davon wäre auf einer stark befahrenen hauptstraße
aber der rest ist ein traum

aber um eben von a nach b zu gelangen müsste man an der stark befahrenen hauptstraße entlang reiten…

glaubt ihr ist das ein problem wenn man ein braves pferd hat?
und ja, so stur sie auch manchmal bei der dressurarbeit sein mag, in solchen Situationen ist mein pferd eine lebensversicherung und ein engel

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1 year ago

Of course you can do that as long as it is not a highway. You have to adhere to the traffic rules corresponding to riders – especially in the dulling/darkness regarding the topic of lighting – your horse must be traffic-safe and good. From legal side.

From common sense – don’t do it! You seem to have 0 experience that you’re asking that question at all. The stupidity, the indignation and the egoism of the people has risen a lot in recent years, as well as the mass of vehicles. So guess that you will be overtaken as prescribed at 1.5 m distance. NOT. It goes without saying that the car drivers and even the motorcyclists take into consideration and drive past you at an adjusted speed. NOT. At no rate will jmd hupen, let the engine cry up or drag it past you with squeaky tires after braking so close behind you that he’s almost in the back of the horse…

I really don’t know anyone, and the horse is still so cool, that’s what’s going on voluntarily because it’s just miserable. And as has already been correctly written here – permanent shot can also make the bravst horse cherry. If the nerves are already enough a single stupid little thing and your land- and traffic-proof horse was before yesterday. And if it’s stupid, the whole horse was before yesterday and the rider too.

1 year ago

Man must use the road with horse, ridden preferred, as one is such a “regular” road participant, was never removed from the law, still dates from the time with carriages and co.

Please ridden the right side, and expect the car driver to be more than rugged by one. At my last rides with the big one, I could touch the vehicles with the shoe tip…

“Duration Fire” by cars can also bring the nerves of the coolest horse to tear.

1 year ago

You have to take a ripening exam, you can do this in the local association of riders

German road riders.

In the ripening test, it is checked and officially attested in triple execution whether you are enough to participate in the road with a horse.

The official triple maturity test shall be carried out at any time and shall be presented upon request.

In this official ripening test, which is issued three times, it is attested that one has the emotional maturity and can recognize the dangers of riding in road traffic and having the cognitive visibility to react accordingly.

If you do not pass this ripening test, you will have the option to repeat these two times after corresponding replications.

After that, the emotional maturity will be renown for a lifetime.

1 year ago

You have to assume that ruthless drivers will overtake you with an uphill motor without a big side distance. Maybe even some of you blew up or sneak out of the opened window. Does your horse really stay relaxed?

And because you shouldn’t ride out alone for security reasons: do you still have 1-2 riders whose horses can also hold it?

I’d rather look at you if there’s not a way parallel to the road you could take on this piece. Maybe also including a small way around.

1 year ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

I often ride out on my own, sadly trust the least out of the stall and if then only in the group or just with me but I don’t always ask all…because not everyone has at the same time and I enjoy riding alone

Do you think people are so cruel?
my horse looks like this…
I recently rode past when riding randomly on nem zeltfest (maybe an octoberfest) (does not know that this is) loud crowded, drunken people, screaming around, loud music and even a cardrom were there and she was the rest in person (or in horse haha)

yes, there’s a little way out, which leads over a field, but I bet I have a look at the neck when I ride over it, as I know the typical German farmers.

1 year ago

Ah, Autodrom, we are back in Austrian terms

1 year ago

Yes, some car drivers are just as assi. Ask cyclists! And don’t think they’re getting kind of empathered on a horse if they’re so horribly obstructed by the fast approach…

Do you really have to get over the field? Isn’t there a way along AM field?

And by the way, as pleasant as the only riding is also – it is really super dangerous! Let your horse stumble badly on the way, so you’re falling. Don’t worry about it, so you lose consciousness. Then how can someone find you and get help when you’re all alone? And since riders like to think little about themselves, but very much about their four-legged ones ;): What if in this situation your horse also hurts and nobody can take care of it and call the veterinarian?

1 year ago

Sure they are so cruel…and how…so yes, not every horse deserves a TÜV plaque

1 year ago


1 year ago

And what exactly does Switzerland have to do with this?

1 year ago

in Switzerland is also called autodrom 🙂

1 year ago

Yes, in Austria everyone calls that. We already know. In D, especially in Munich, unfortunately does not go out.

1 year ago

Puff car… how horny! Boxcar is also funny:D

1 year ago

We already have:)

1 year ago

I live near Munich – and NIEMAND never ever has ever called Autodrom…

1 year ago

with us everyone calls this and you can see this on the link here

1 year ago

Huh, Autodrom doesn’t say a person with us – just calls himself a car cooter

1 year ago

well, that’s true, but that can happen to you with all the other types of sport you’re exercising alone

yes unfortunately, this km only leads the way along the road or pave over the field where there is no way

1 year ago

Yeah, get out, kiddo, until I get to my convertible. I’m driving you crazy.

1 year ago

Some people also mean selfish, they’re the only ones who have rights and when they’re on the go, all the others have to push their car over.

I constantly ride on the road and drive around 3,000 km a year and never had a problem with a car. I realize that cars have a certain size, make noise and the road with them can be used quite normally.

1 year ago

yes, of course.

I used to ride out with a friend, and a car was just about us
young foreigners sat in and shouted “eeeh you horny wee, you want to ride us like that” and they have put a full brake and are immediately ready to go again…just next to us
my friend’s horse kicked in the field, she crashed…

my horse remained godly thanks very quiet. Apart from a slight increase in full braking, there was no reaction from it. So I’d call her a TÜV capable… that’s even her biggest strength. Your reliability in the area

1 year ago

MUST even lt. Ride StVO on the road.

I would never have come down from a few courtyards in life…

Edit: As long as it is not a road or motorway, it goes without saying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Punkgirl512

This is a highway self-explanatory.

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

to light 😉

1 year ago

As a rule, you even have to use the road! The sidewalk or bike path are not easily permitted!

Keeps everything from the horse and from the speeds that are usually driven there, even those of unreasonable drivers are to be considered!

Note the rules:

You and your horse are in dusk, in darkness, and if there are bad visibility conditions fog, snow or rain, you could be sufficiently illuminated (§ 17 StVO). According to § 28 StVO paragraph 2, at least:

  1. a non-glazing lamp with white light and at the end a lamp with red light,
  2. a non-glazing lamp with white light, which is clearly visible on the left to the front and back, when only one large animal or of cattle is being guided.

(Photo: HKM Sports Equipment)/pm-forum-digital

Light is missing, but it shows how good with really good equipment alone can protect reflection already! Here it is to be noted that these features age very fast, usually you can only clean these blankets 20 times. Also valid for the warning vests. After that they have lost so much warning effect that they should be exchanged!

(Photo: Waldhausen/pm-forum-digital)

1 year ago
Reply to  StRiW

from the front is hardly visible.

the horse neck covers the reflectors of the west front. the only thing that is reflected from the front are the tiny light gaiters.

there are reflective kittens and reflective rain caps for the horse.

In addition, there are reflective helmet covers.

1 year ago
Reply to  pony

More always goes! You’re right.

1 year ago

Depends on the type of road. Where you’re allowed to ride a tractor and a bicycle, you can ride. So, for example, not on a highway.

Whether it’s advisable.? If there is an accident, negligence might be charged.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urlewas

yes – if you can put dead something to the load.

1 year ago

But if you can do, I wouldn’t necessarily. If I were too dangerous

1 year ago

you need to know yourself.

and note that from 1km on the way and 1km on the way back will be 2km.

I wouldn’t have a jack to ride more than 20 minutes in the unpredictable traffic.

Your good horse doesn’t use anything to you if you’re out of the traffic overlooking you at overtaking and scrambling into you with 100 things. only in the book “the horse whisperer” you can survive this.

I think you should do some reit badges. you’re drawing yourself through complete unleakableness in causes.

how did you pass your lead if you don’t know all this.

1 year ago
Reply to  pony

Wrong! the stretch is a round and not a back and forth.

1 year ago

Of course you can ride on the street with your dog. Only check the roadworthiness beforehand. Not every horse deserves a TÜV plaque…

1 year ago
Reply to  Keks37

And not every rider… as soon as backagain starts, I don’t drive anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

THE is an argument

1 year ago

Horsemen are subject to the road regulations (StVO). That is why they mustright side of the road use or through a white line (Figure 295) delimited road space if it is sufficiently large.Animals that can endanger traffic, not on the road. They are only permitted there if they are accompanied by persons trained in the handling of animals.

1 year ago
Reply to  Motobiggi31

the AI has a wrong spit.

on the right of the white border line of the railway you cannot ride and not drive. In addition, it is not possible to stop, do not turn, and do not move backwards – one of the easier theoretical questions for driving.

1 year ago
Reply to  pony
