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Theoretically yes. However, as it only happens in nature conservation and hunting areas, you will have to ask on site.
Here is a map for wild camps in Europe:
But what you have to do, namely in the forest WOHNEN, is practically impossible in Europe.
He told me about living in the woods? And if you want to, you have to ask the forest owner, who in turn can quite allow this.
It’s a little complicated here….the community kept the main thing firmly and in most cantons you rarely find something legal.
If one does not see you / you and does not hear anything, then there will be no problems.
The link offers you a small summary:
There is no uniform regulation in Switzerland. The municipalities allocated in each case are responsible for this, which take care of the forest areas.
In this respect, you need to specifically ask if it is allowed or not.
wildcampen is generally prohibited in Switzerland.