Darf man in der Psychiatrie sein Handy behalten und benutzen?

Darf man in der Psychiatrie bzw in der psychiatrischen Klinik sein Handy behalten und benutzen oder nicht?

Wann kann man in der Psychiatrie sein Handy behalten und benutzen?

Und darf man in der Erwachsenenpsychiatrie sein Handy behalten und benutzen?

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7 months ago

Can you keep and use your phone in the psychiatry or psychiatric clinic?

It’s up to the clinic. Let’s go.

When can you keep and use your phone in the psychiatry?

If you can keep it, whenever you want it and you don’t have therapy. Otherwise, always in the evening for a certain time (also depending on the clinic). Mostly half an hour.

And can you keep and use your phone in the adult psychiatry?

As a rule. Prohibitions or time restrictions are more likely in clinics for children and young people.

7 months ago

In a Kjp you have cell phone times when and how long is certainly different.

On an acute station or closed station you must not have your phone at least Kjp otherwise clinics are also different with different regulations in this respect.

In an adult psychiatry you can keep your phone, but you should not sit there and be on your phone all the time.

I don’t know how this is regulated for adults on an acute station or in the closed.

But as I said, it can be different in every clinic.

7 months ago

As it goes into the closed – NO

7 months ago
Reply to  JungerKind

It’s just about whether you go in there voluntarily or involuntarily!

And not if you go in there…

So or so, cell phones away…

7 months ago

Mostly not. You can sometimes call someone.

7 months ago

Depends on the line. Sometimes it is allowed and sometimes forbidden.

7 months ago

You can use it in the psychiatry. I don’t know how it’s closed.

7 months ago

All these questions have to be answered with the appropriate clinic, as they act differently.