darf man gps Tracker im Flugzeug mitnehmen?

Hallo, wir fahren bald in Urlaub und werden mit dem Flugzeug fliegen und habe Angst dass mein Koffer gestohlen wird oder verloren geht. Und wir hätten einen GPS Tracker der mit meinem Handy verbunden werden könnte. wenn ich das Handy also während des Fluges ausgeschalten hätte könnte ich den Tracker dann einfach in den Koffer tun und nach dem flug das Handy wieder anschalten um den Koffer Orten zu können?

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7 years ago

Since electronic devices are switched off during start and landing, you probably have bad cards.

7 years ago

Yeah, well, since when did a GPS tracker on the plane be banned? I don’t know. In the worst case, you have to remove it from the suitcase when it is mounted on the luggage rack – but why should you ban it?

7 years ago
Reply to  mirolPirol

Electronic devices must be switched off when starting and landing.

7 years ago

Theoretically, this should not be a problem.

7 years ago

Probably this would go without any problems, but ask for security on the airline that you fly with (to remember: with mobile phones you can also call, not only SMS and WhatsAppen).

7 years ago

No way! So what is it that you prefer to do with your suitcase?

7 years ago
Reply to  Lumbale2003

On the basis of what some people write for grütze, the suitcase would probably be the better choice;)